Things You Should Know About Manuka Honey

If you need an effective natural ointment to treat any wounds, you can never go wrong with the manuka honey. It is one of the best germ-fighting alternatives to the conventional antibiotic. It is said that this honey can also treat other conditions from sinus problems to acne.

Things You Should Know About Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is just new to the scene of traditional medicines. The honey is the product of scrub plants from New Zealand. European honey bees brought it to the area around the early 19th century. Honey bees can produce unique honey that is more potent than the regular ones by pollinating these plants due to its high methylglyoxal (MGO) content.

Benefits of manuka honey

Raw honey has been part of the superfoods because of its health benefits. However, manuka is not raw honey; it is specialised. This honey resists both antibacterial and bacterial, which means bacteria can never build up a defence to its antibacterial effects.

Manuka honey is effective in treating any problems caused by bacteria from sore throats to blemished skin. Other benefits include:

  • clearing infections
  • improving digestion
  • easing stomach aches
  • helping heal cuts and scrapes
  • providing energy
  • boosting the immune system

According to research, compared to other alternative treatments, manuka honey's healing benefits are backed by scientific evidence. These healing benefits are:

Antiviral effects

Over the centuries, people have used honey as natural antibiotics. In the past years, researchers have found that honey gets its germ-killing power from hydrogen peroxide, produced through a bee enzyme's aid.

Manuka honey is more effective in killing germs, thanks to its substance, MGO, to virtually eliminate germs. Furthermore, the manuka plant's nectar has a substance that can help heal minor and chronic wounds. Hence, manuka honey is now being infused into bandages, approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Antibacterial effects

Manuka honey can eliminate many species of bacteria, which includes Streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus. This honey can also kill Clostridium difficile, an organism that usually spreads in healthcare settings that is difficult to treat.

Researchers also found that manuka honey seems to attack any infection that has already formed a biofilm. It is a thin, slippery layer that, once built, the infection is considered untreatable. Up until today, honey has not found any reports of microbial resistance. This suggests that it could be useful in killing resistant organisms and treating long-lasting wound infections that cannot be healed by a typical antibiotic therapy. Hence, honey has become the last resort option to fight infection.

It heals wounds

Like other honey, manuka honey heals wounds. All types of honey are acidic, with a pH level of 3.2 to 4.5. This acidic property is known to promote healing. The honey's acidity can also block enzymes that break down the peptides and proteins needed by the body to heal itself. Moreover, it has a high concentration of sugar that can protect the wounds.

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These are just some of the great benefits of manuka honey to your body. It is widely available in some health food stores and online. However, not all manuka honey is the same, so make sure you are buying one from a reliable store.

Moreover, remember to stick with the brands with MGO, which is the unique antibacterial substance of manuka honey. The more MGO content, the better quality of honey you get.

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Steffy Allen
Steffy Allen

Steffy Alen is a copywriter and content strategist. She helps businesses stop playing around with content marketing and start seeing the tangible ROI. She loves writing as much as she loves the cake.

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