We, at Medical Island, strive to educate, improve and instil awareness of health issues affecting the lives of people the world over. See our accomplishments as a formidable health blog, medical blog, and health educator! We seek to excel at what we do and the world sees it and recognizes it through recognition of our efforts.
#1: Voucher.co.id Asian Health and Wellness Blogs Award 2018: Our blogger awards give us the opportunity to reward some of our favourite bloggers who have inspired us by sharing their knowledge on a wide range of topics. We have decided to set the awards up as a voting contest, which enable our visitors to participate actively in the voting process.
#2: Indiblogger Awards 2017 – The Indian Blogger Awards: Medical Island was the Winner at the IBAwards 2017 in the Science and Research Category earning accolades among thousands of science and research blogs from all across India.

#3: Indiblogger-Apollo Hospitals Pan-India Blogging Contest: Runner-up at the Apollo Hospitals – Touching Lives blogging contest from among participants across the country.

#4: Baggout Top 12 Fitness Blogs in India: Medical Island is listed as one of the Top 12 Fitness Blogs in India making a mark as a household name in the Indian Health Bloggers Community.

#5: Indiblogger-Dabur Chyawanprash Pan-India Blogging Contest: Runner-up at the blogging contest from among participants across the country on the title “An Immune India.”

#6: The Real Awards Top Health Blogs To Follow In 2020: Medical Island is one of the 37 of the most influential blogs in the health and fitness field for the year 2020.
#7: Raising Mental Health Awareness: Medical Island is featured as one of the top activists, doctors, psychologists and organisations for Twinkl mental health awareness campaign on World Mental Health Day.

While this is not an exhaustive list of the awards and recognition achieved by Medical Island over the 10+ years of its existence, you understand the influence and reach Medical Island has acquired across India and around the World. If you feel that you have been benefitted by this website, feel free to reach us through our Contact Us. We will definitely try to help you with your health queries!