Top 10 Medical Blogs

 Blogging has of late become a regular past-time among various professionals and the medical profession is no exception. Medical Blogging requires serious consideration of the audience and the topics to be covered. Medical Professionals across the globe keep themselves updated through various electronic media and the internet has become the ultimate source of medical information for most of them.

Medical blogs make up a major chunk of the information available on the internet. They cover a range of topics from providing regular medical updates to the peculiar blog that talks about mundane medical terms and nuances. Medical Blogs are either started by individuals, run by some companies and organisations or an amalgamation of both. The vast number of medical blogs made the task of finding the “BEST” a serious business.

It is only true that no single blog could be the same for the entire audience, hence the ranking provided here is arbitrary based on my personal preferences. Without much ado, here is my list of the “TOP 10 MEDICAL BLOGS”

1. KevinMD Blog

2. Science Roll

3. GeriPal

4. Practical Bioethics

5. The Health Care Blog

6. Life in the Fast Lane

7. Creativity in Healthcare

8. Doc Gurley

9. Academic Life in Emergency Medicine

10. CasesBlog – Medical and Health Blog

I enjoyed reading many other medical blogs, but the ones mentioned here really caught my attention. I hope you too enjoy reading and following these blogs.

You will have suggestions to make about the selection or your own collection of favourite medical blogs. If so, post them in the comments section so that I can create another list of “The Best 100 Medical Blogs”.

[box type=”note”]If you want to setup your own medical blog for free or read stories from numerous practitioners and patients check out CausePages.[/box]

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

Articles: 1079


  1. Hi Dr. Lawrence,

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    • Thanks Cathal. It is a pleasure to write useful articles for the medical folk. Top 10 Medical Blogs was just a starter! Just wait for the main course of Top 100 Medical Blogs – the go to article for all medical blog fanatics.

      Keep following this blog for more interesting stuff to come.

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