Medical Island was born with a vague perspective, but with some tinkering, has recently found new energy with a lively collection of articles that I have thought out. I am a Doctor practicing in India, and the need for a platform for my writing hobby drove me to begin this venture. It began as an experiment and honestly, I am now addicted to blogging. Thanks to the support and help from my friends, colleagues and well-wishers, Medical Island is becoming a hot destination.
Mission Statement
Yeah, it sounds so diplomatic, but here it is – Medical Island is for every medical professional to share, to contribute, to languish, to enjoy the very thought of being in the Medical Profession. It is about the ethos, the continual change that we face, the controversies, the eclectic developments in the medical field, and lastly a fun environment to share without fear. Medical Island will provide medical personnel – doctors, nurses, technicians and others a place to chill out!
A Request
I believe each of us have a say, even the littlest one. So here is your chance to contribute, intellectually, monetarily, or through constructive criticism. Any article or viewpoint that you feel needs a platform, feel free to share it. I would gladly publish it with due credentials to the author and possibly a link back to your blog or webpage.
Medical Island was born with a huge investment with very little resources. Herein lies my need for support from my fans, fellow readers. Any donation will be rewarded with a definite backlink to the donor’s website or blog and promotion on the part of Medical Island. To donate, let us know through an email. Any amount is appreciated.
Cheers and Happy Reading at Medical Island!
Dr. Lawrence Kindo
P.S. You can contact me at medicalisland@gmail.com