Health Guide

A ready-to-digest health guide for the common man. Dumbed down health information.

Colon Cleansing in New Jersey

Toxins enter the body through the air, food, water, cleaning products, household products, medications, and industrial chemicals. Small amounts of toxins build up over time with exposure to toxins in daily life. When the body is out of balance, a…

Supplements for Man Boobs

Excess chest fat may not be a dangerous health condition, but it is very frustrating and embarrassing for the men dealing with it. In an effort to eliminate the fat and embarrassment of gynecomastia, men look for a wide variety…

Ginkgo Biloba Benefits

If you have spent much time reading about natural supplements, you have probably heard of ginkgo. The leaves of this well-known herb are used to make traditional medicines and supplements, including many of the best quality brain & memory supplements.…

Medical Weight Loss in Thailand

Obesity is a growing world-wide problem, with about a third of the world’s population being obese. Achieving weight loss is a tough proposition for most people – maybe, including you! Not only can the whole effort of losing weight be…