Health Guide

A ready-to-digest health guide for the common man. Dumbed down health information.

Amazing Tips to Maintain Good Health

Multiple factors like regular exercise, stress management, a proper diet, better relationships, and a balanced work routine play an essential role in staying healthy. Maintaining good health prevents you from suffering the consequences of several health issues like heart disease,…

How Can CBD Enhance Your Yoga Practice?

Many of us experience growing anxiety with each passing day. We have packed schedules – career goals, finances, personal relationships while squeezing in a little time for our passions and hobbies. The constant feeling of anxiety not only affects our…

Menopause Diet to Curb Symptoms

As you approach menopause, your body starts to change, and you may begin to experience symptoms that are not the most comfortable. Whether it be the hot flashes, night sweats, or insomnia, it can be so challenging trying to deal…