Three Steps To a Pain-Free Day

A study by the American Academy of Pain Medicine found that more than 100 million people suffer from chronic pain in the United States. 

To successfully treat and manage your body pain, you need to know the cause of your body pain. Pain, either on your back, feet, hands, or chest muscles, can be as a result of age, injury, lifestyle, or underlying medical issue.

Three Steps To a Pain-Free Day

While medication may offer some relief, it also poses certain threats to an individual's health due to the drugs' toxicity. This is why pain relief through non-medicine options such as stretching, yoga, and exercise is ideal. 

Let’s take a deeper look at these pain relief options for a pain-free day.

You Can Have a Pain-Free Day

While the above techniques do not substitute medication, incorporating them into your routine will bring noticeable pain relief. Even better, stretches, yoga, and exercise, besides strengthening your muscles, will also slow down how much you age.  

LifetimeVibe helps address the known causes and provides treatment for body pain for an enjoyable and pain-free day.


Stretching, besides improving your overall fitness, is effective in relieving body pain resulting from muscle tightness. This technique is ideal because you can stretch from any position, whether standing, sitting, or laying down.

Muscle tightness may occur when you are at rest or performing a heavy task. If the muscles on your back, feet, chest, or hips tighten, they will strain, resulting in pain and injury. Mild stretches on these muscles will reduce the tension, aid the healing process, and relieve pain. 

A stretching routine will also strengthen your muscles and reduce the risk of muscle pain in the future.


Over the years, yoga has become more popular as a pain relief option. The technique is a low impact exercise; thus, suitable for individuals recovering from muscle injury or tension. If done the right way, yoga can be effective against a wide range of aches and pains, allowing you to progress towards good health and wellness journeys.  

Yoga, as a pain relief technique, combines meditation and movements to strengthen body muscles. The technique surpasses the individual's ability and physique by bringing the mind, body, and spirit together to combat pain. 

This makes it ideal for relieving chronic pain conditions such as arthritis, migraine, and lower back pain. However, try and talk to a physician before taking on yoga for chronic pain treatment to avoid any further potential health complications.


Exercise will keep your body strong by maintaining muscle health and fitness. As we grow older, our muscle fibres weaken and shrink in size. Weak muscles are prone to injury and soreness; hence, body pain. 

This regular exercise is important in preventing body pain. A good exercise regimen should target all body muscles, including the back, buttock, abdominal, hand, and leg muscles. 

While exercising, make sure you avoid putting too much stress and strain on your muscles to prevent further pain or injury. A recommendation by a professional who will provide more insight into the cause of your pain may be useful in this case for better results.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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