Humans beings are quite complicated; yes, intelligent, resourceful and resilient yet have issues with communication. Though with different temperaments, humans are relational creatures and would usually have to interact and build relationships with one another.

Sometimes, these relationships lead to a more serious and binding relationship or union (marriage). However, unlike the living happily ever after that many grew up reading about in fairy tales, things might not be so rosy and couples might have to seek counseling in order to make progress in their relationship.
What Is Couples Counseling?
It is just like marriage or couple’s therapy and as can be deduced from the name, it is an arrangement where a certified therapist gives counsel and guidance to couples seeking to improve their relationship. It can also be that the individual’s involved want to understand their relationship better or gain perspective about it. The services provided by these therapists are quite important as they can be useful in mending a broken or failing relationship, they can also help people know what to do moving forward. You can read more about it here.
Why Is It Done?
There are various reasons why professional counsel or help is sought in relationship matters. Relationships are unique therefore, what is an issue in this relationship might not be in another but generally, the following are some of the reasons why people go for relationship therapy:
To Strengthen Their Relationship
This is the most common reason why people go for these therapies. Relationships require and involves a certain level of dedication and commitment which can sometimes take a toll on the persons involved. And having invested a lot in the relationship, failure of the relationship might really leave the couples devastated and feeling like failures. Thus, in order to rekindle that much averred spark that brought them together, they seek counsel in the hopes of finding love rekindling tips.
To Understand Each Other Better
Human beings are unique; unique in traits, temperaments, habits and interests. No two persons are really the same even if they are a couple. In a relationship, two persons come together to build a life together for themselves but their personal characteristics might get in the way therefore, they seek for guidance in order to understand each other better.
To Start A Relationship
On the other hand, people also go for therapy when about to kick-start a relationship, especially a marriage relationship. In certain organizations, it mandatory that intending couples seek counseling before taking the next step in their relationship. The reason being that having these sessions will help the intending couples get prepared and understand the duties and responsibilities that come with the step that they are about to take. This process is known as premarital counseling and you can learn more about it here:
Those Seeking to End their relationship
Sometimes the relationship does not just work out. There are many reasons why this might be so and it usually comes with many emotions therefore, in order to process the situation better and the emotions that accompany it, a therapist is sought for. Again, ending the relationship amicably and starting a new one can also be the aim.
What to Look for In a Couples Counsellor In Vancouver

So, are you looking for a therapist that will attend to you and your spouse? And the therapy sought for being crucial in your life right now you cannot afford to just meet with anyone also considering that you would have to pay for it. The following are things to look out for in a couple’s counsellor in Vancouver:
Well Trained In Marriage and Relationship Counselling
This point is not as obvious as it might seem as people readily assume that a therapist is a therapist. This can prove a costly mistake as you should look for a therapist who specializes in marriage and relationship counselling. You can find out more on who a marriage specialist is here. Do not be afraid to ask for qualifications and expertise.
How Long Will Each Session Last?
Another important question to ask is how long each session would last. This is important because, research has shown that effective couple’s sessions tend to be about one hour and twenty minutes long. This means that they are not brief segments after which the therapist waits for the next client rather, the long session indicates commitment by the therapist to hear you guys out.
One with Integrity (One Really Who Really Has Your Best Interest at Heart)
At times like this, many people are looking to make the best out of their present situations and as such, will take anyone they see at face value. However, this will lead you into mistakes like running into someone who works for your insurance company and is more interested in exploiting any loopholes that maybe discovered in your relationship for coverage purposes.
Choose One Near You
Another wise tip for you to consider is that it is smart to go somewhere near you. You do not need to go somewhere outside of Vancouver or somewhere that is popular to engage a therapist; couples counselling in Vancouver works. What is important is their specialization, experience and integrity of the therapist.
Relationships are a good thing to be in, the individuals many a times, end up building a life together. As a result, many enter it with various expectations and of course, strong emotions.
But sometimes the situation doesn’t turn out as intended and the couples might go through tough times. In times like this, clarity and help is sought from a couple’s counsellor.