Top 5 Vitamin Purchasing Mistakes to Avoid Online

92% of American adults are suffering from a vitamin deficiency. You're likely one of them.

If you're concerned about your health, you've probably considered buying vitamins online. But is this cost-effective way of buying vitamins worth it?

Yes — as long as you avoid vitamin purchasing mistakes.

Buying Vitamins Online

Want to learn more? Keep reading to learn the top five mistakes that vitamin consumers make and how you can avoid them.

1. Not Knowing What You Need

There are so many options for vitamins, and it seems like there's an influencer ready to sing the praises of each one. How can you tell which option is for you?

Research shows that healthy-seeming adults are most likely to lack vitamin B2, B6, or B12. However, your unique vitamin needs are shaped by your lifestyle and health experiences.

Before buying, make sure you do your research to find out what vitamins are right for you.

2. Taking Unsafe Vitamin Dosages

When it comes to vitamins, many people assume you should take as much as you can.

While vitamins can solve serious health problems, it is possible to take too much. Overdosing on vitamins can lead to vitamin toxicity, with potentially serious medical consequences.

When purchasing vitamins online, talk to your doctor about what dosage is right for you.

3. Cutting Costs

A reduced price tag always looks good. However, when it comes to vitamins, you'll get what you pay for.

Some online vitamin stores sell cheap products. When you're comparing vitamin prices, those low prices can be tempting.

Don't fall into the trap of buying discount vitamins. Buy quality health supplements or don't buy at all.

4. Not Buying Monthly Subscriptions

Are you buying your vitamins one bottle at a time? If so, it's time to upgrade your vitamin shopping strategy. Buying a monthly subscription could save you money, as well as assuring that you'll never run out.

Not only that, but monthly subscriptions come in a range of options. You could choose a multivitamin monthly vitamin subscription for women or shop around for a specific vitamin that fits your needs.

5. Not Thinking About Medication Interactions

Yes, vitamins are usually natural and good for you. However, they can still interact with your medications.

If you are taking prescription medications, you need to research how your vitamin supplements could interact with them. Otherwise, you could end up with even more health problems.

One of the most common vitamin-medication interactions is between vitamin K and blood thinners. Vitamin K, which is naturally found in green leafy vegetables, helps in the blood clotting process.

When you take supplemental vitamin K, it could prevent your blood thinner medication from working. This leads to dangerous blood clots.

If you are taking prescription medication, talk to your doctor before you begin taking vitamins.

Don't Get Caught in Vitamin Purchasing Mistakes

Vitamin supplements are a wonderful way to improve your health. For many people, they make the difference between poor physical health and feeling on top of the world.

With these tips, you won't have to worry about falling into vitamin purchasing mistakes. Enjoy good health, safely!

Was this article helpful? Then don't forget to check out the rest of our blog for more tips on medicine, health, and wellness!

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Julius Rogers
Julius Rogers

Julius Rogers is a health freak and loves to pen health articles that teach, educate, and entertain. He writes health information at various health outlets. Be sure to check out his other ventures!

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