Online Kallmann Syndrome Help: Understanding the Options

Believe it or not, even with the rarest diseases, there is help out there somewhere. Granted, you will have to find it, but this will only be as restrictive as you make it. Chances are, if you are reading this, you are dealing with Kallmann syndrome.

Usually, the syndrome is caught at an early age and it is treatable. The only problem is that it is so rare that typical doctors might overlook it because of the rarity. This is what gives this disease the problem of being misdiagnosed.

Kallmann Syndrome Blog Post

Characteristics of Kallmann Syndrome

This is a problem with the sex hormones in the body. It is a genetic disorder and will cause delayed puberty or the complete absence of puberty. The result is that the person with this disorder simply will never reach sexual maturity unless intervened with the proper treatment.

The primary characteristics come in around the time of puberty, but may also be caught by genetic testing. The genetic testing is not 100% reliable, so it is important for a qualified physician to take the right blood samples and determine when treatment should begin.

Basically, it happens mostly in males. These males, upon puberty, have a small penis, no pubic hair, no development of secondary sexual characteristics. What the doctor will see upon testing the blood is there are no sex hormones being produced. That is a problem, as it is important for health and vitality to have those hormones produced.

Online Help and How to Find It

The help that you can get online is limited. This is the type of condition that requires medical care. There is no other way to treat the outcome of the syndrome. In fact, natural medicine will never do the trick so do not even bother.

You can find help online to identify the issue. The doctor of choice should know about Kallmann syndrome. The way to find this kind of doctor is to use a search site that helps you narrow it down based on the type of physician, symptoms, or even treatments. This will allow for easier and more complete diagnosis.

You do need this level of assistance. The doctors you have consulted before may not have the expertise to handle Kallmann syndrome in the right way. You will still need to find the experts you are looking for in your area.

Treatments Available Now

Now that we fully understand the symptoms and causes of Kallmann syndrome, the method of treatment to address it have become clear. These people have an issue with making the necessary sex hormones in their bodies,

This results in no sexual maturation which can especially leave the boys in an embarrassing situation. The rare times it occurs in girls will be less noticeable at first. Either way, the treatment is sex hormones supplementation.

There is no reason for those with Kallmann syndrome to live with the effects. Each individual with this disease can attain full sexual maturation, but it may be necessary to supplement hormones for the rest of their lives.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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