How Technology is Improving Dental Care

As with all areas of our lives, computers and technology have made a huge difference to the world of dentistry in recent years. Where once dental treatments could have been considered, at best, rather crude, improving technologies are making a trip to the dentist quicker, more reliable, less painful, and significantly more successful.

Technology is Improving Dental Care

There is now a vast array of technology and techniques which both we and dentists can use to improve our oral hygiene and maintain an attractive smile filled with healthy teeth. Here are just a few ways tech is changing the dental industry:

The increasing popularity of smart toothbrushes

It seems the world around us is getting ‘smart’. Everything from our TVs to our kitchen appliances is becoming intelligent and is being fitted with microprocessors and connected to the internet. Toothbrushes are no exception. Recently, there’s been a glut of new smart toothbrushes on the market monitoring everything from time spent cleaning to brushing patterns and pressure. Tiny sensors in the toothbrush then relay this information to the user, helping improve their brushing technique. Indeed, some smart toothbrushes can even encourage kids to brush their teeth more by incentivizing them with games in linked mobile apps.  

The opportunities opened by implants

Not so very long ago, if you were suffering from missing, damaged, or decayed teeth, there were few options other than to wear dentures. Dental implants have revolutionized dentistry by allowing complete and permanent tooth replacement. The technology works using artificial tooth roots placed in the jaw, which are then used to hold the implanted replica tooth in place On average, and with good oral care and hygiene, a dental implant can last up to 25 years. 

Advanced digital denture and implant technology

One of the most important aspects of having implants or dentures fitted is that they fit well and appear natural with the surrounding teeth. Previously, denture production would have involved multiple trips to the dentist to have the teeth accurately evaluated and measured. Now, dentists can use a combination of computer-aided design as well as computer-aided manufacturing to produce replacement teeth or dentures in a fraction of the time with vastly improved accuracy. Furthermore, advances in manufacturing and materials are also improving the color, shape, and life expectancy of false teeth.

The improved comfort of oral cameras

It used to be that a trip to the dentist involved a difficult spell in the chair with your mouth opened uncomfortably wide. These days, new micro dental cameras are now making it possible for dentists to see inside the mouth without having to poke around with painful tools. The mini camera works by relaying images to a screen, allowing the dentist to see around your mouth in far greater detail yet without causing discomfort.

Augmented Reality as applied to dentistry

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology perhaps more associated with cell phones and the gaming industry, but the tech has wide-ranging implications for all aspects of our lives and is particularly useful in a learning environment. Using AR in dental classrooms allows students to explore models without causing pain to a real patient. It can also be used by lecturers to assess a student’s understanding, learning, and dental techniques to ensure they are closely following best practices.

Dental Technology Cartoon

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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