Getting Your Prescription Online: Is It Really Safe?

The reasons why you may not be able to visit a physical pharmacy seem to be growing. Perhaps foremost in mind is the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether you are in the risk group or not, it is sensible to only go out when you really need to.

Getting a prescription online is one way of making sure you are getting the medications you need without having to go to a pharmacy in person. This option ticks the convenience box but does it tick the safe and sensible box?

Getting Your Medicines Online

In this article, you will read about how online pharmacies work. That knowledge will give you the reassurance you need to make a well-informed decision about how you intend to get your medication in the future.

Online Pharmacies and Regulation

The internet offers convenience and commercial possibilities that are very exciting. Yet, for those same reasons, it is also a place where corruption abounds. You are right to be cautious.

Pharmacies are regulated and you can check your potential provider through the FDA website. It is important that you take the time to do that as some internet sits can make themselves appear legitimate, when in fact they are not.

Getting a Prescription Online—How?

It is fairly simple to get your medication through an online prescription. You can choose your online pharmacy, select the medications indicated in your prescription or equivalent drugs, and then send your prescription.

There are lots of options for doing this. You can post your prescription but obviously you will have to add the postal time to the delay in getting your medication. Alternatively, you can fax, email, or request your medical care provider to send the prescription electronically to your chosen online pharmacy.

Getting a prescription online lends itself more to planned medication and replacing medication than it does to an emergency situation. If you need medication quickly then a visit in person may be wiser.

Medication Delivered Through the Post—Is It Safe?

Good question and the broad answer is yes. Check the delivery options with your provider. If you have specific questions about your medication then ask the resident pharmacist.

Some medications need to be transported under specific conditions like being chilled or other forms of temperature regulation. It is also worth checking if expensive medication is insured when it is transported. Not all online pharmacies work to the same terms and conditions when it comes to delivery.

Why Is Online Cheaper?

The simplest answer is reduced costs associated with not having to pay for an expensive high street presence. The principles of supply and demand also apply to the favorable prices you can get online.

There are reduced costs in the presence of high competition. More and more online pharmacies are entering the market with discount prices. The competition for an online presence is not restricted to any one country but is worldwide.

As long as you abide by the cautions in this article, you can expect fantastic discounts for online medication.

Are Online Medications Inferior?

The short answer is no. Of course, not all medications are equal in their quality. The important thing is to use a pharmacy that is registered and safe.

A related question is about the use of generic drugs versus branded drugs. Generic drugs are also regulated by the FDA. That means they are exactly the same in their make-up, dosage and side effects, etc as branded drugs.

Generic medication is often significantly cheaper. This is because these drugs are copies of other medications that have gone through expensive research and development. As branded drugs near the end of their patent, other companies can apply to copy the drug.

Can I Speak To a Pharmacist?

If you are using a registered online pharmacy that offers a good service, then the answer is yes. Many online providers will offer opening hours so you can contact and speak with the resident pharmacist.

You can browse this website as an example of the sort of services and drugs that are available online. You will find the question and answer section very helpful.

How To Choose An Online Pharmacy

There is so much choice. Don't let price be your only deciding factor. Ideally, you want to choose a provider that you can use again and again with ease, convenience, and trust.

Make sure you read their delivery and return options. Test out whether you can speak to a pharmacist and that they get back to you in a timely manner if you have to leave a message.

How easy is it to use the website? Do they have an app that you can use to make things a little easier to navigate?

How strict are they about your prescription? Make sure you chose a provider that is not only registered but follows a strict policy of only giving prescription medication when you have the correct authorizations.

Peace of Mind

In this article, you have read about getting a prescription online and whether it is safe. If you take to heart the advice and cautions in this article, you will be able to order your medication online and have peace of mind.

Make sure you shop around and thoroughly read up on their website about their terms and conditions. The internet has changed the world and it is changing the way we get our medication. Check out other interesting articles on this site that fits your health needs and curiosities.

Funny Online Pharma Cartoon

About the Author: Steffy Alen is a copywriter and content strategist. She helps businesses stop playing around with content marketing and start seeing the tangible ROI. She loves writing as much as she loves the cake.

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Julius Rogers
Julius Rogers

Julius Rogers is a health freak and loves to pen health articles that teach, educate, and entertain. He writes health information at various health outlets. Be sure to check out his other ventures!

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