Health Guide

A ready-to-digest health guide for the common man. Dumbed down health information.

Busted! Myths About Online Pharmacies

The trend of buying things online is increasing rapidly. Interestingly, today, even medicines and other healthcare products can also be bought online. This growing trend is offering convenience to those living away from their parents (who need regular medication), live…

Healthy Teeth, Healthy Body

Many of us work hard to have a healthy body. We work out at least three times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes. We eat nutritious foods. We drink a lot of water.  But many of us don’t…

Depression in Human and Animals

Depression is a state of low mood as well as an aversion to activity that usually affects a person’s thoughts, feelings, behavior, as well as the sense of wellness. Depression is a natural, temporary reaction to life events like the…

How to Manage Hormonal Acne

Do you suffer from breakouts that don’t seem to go away? You may have hormonal acne. Hormonal acne forms when chemical fluctuations cause your pores to secrete excess oil. Learn more about identifying and managing hormonal acne by following this…

The Power of the Mind

Scientists have revolutionized how we think about the body. What appears to be a three-dimensional structure, is a chemistry that describes a constant flow of information and energy. As you read this article, your body is changing and reshuffling its…