Top 5 Ways to Make Money Online as a Medical Student

Have you ever thought of making money online? Are you tired waiting for your big breakthrough while paying huge sums as fees for your medical education? There are hundreds, if not thousands of medical students across the globe who pay their college fees by making money online. Medical writing can make you decent money, something I had failed to see during my medical studies or my early years of practice. Being technically sound, every medical student is educated in medical vocabulary much beyond the understanding of the layperson. This gives you the extra edge in converting our readily available knowledge into a resource that pays your college fees.

Ways to Make Money Online as a Medical Student

So, how do you go about making money online as a Medical Student?

Here are the ground rules – You need to be proactive in considering writing as an alternate career, if not your primary career! If you think you can’t write, don’t give up hope, you can still use your medical knowledge quite effectively in making your first dollar online.

Following are the Top 5 Ways to Make Money Online as a Medical Student:

1. Start your own Blog

Simply put, a blog is a website that is regularly updated with writings that interest a target audience. Be careful while choosing a blogging platform as moving from one blog to another can be a pain! I use WordPress on a self-hosted platform at BlueHost as it allows me oodles of flexibility. You can get started by using, or, which are free hosted platforms that are effectively used by many advanced bloggers as well as beginners alike. Once you have decided, choose an easy to remember, catchy domain or sub-domain and register yourself with or After logging in, you will have the option of creating a new post or article using the inbuilt editor, just as you do in MS Word or Notepad. My sincere advice, choose a small niche and be a master at it! If you need further advice on how to start a blog, you can avail my very reasonable services. Just contact me by clicking here.

Once your blog is up, you can sign up with various affiliate programs like, CJ, Clickbank, or Share a Sale. Put up the banners and ads on your blog and get a cut from it. You can also write reviews of products on your blog and put up affiliate links in your articles or directly recommending them.

If your blog develops a good readership, you could apply for a Google Adsense account and earn advertising money from the internet giant, Google.

2. Start writing as a Freelance Medical Writer

Writing can be fun and invigorating, and it can earn you enough money to keep food on your plate, or more so, provide for your medical education expenses. You could go solo using your own blog or website, but I suggest you join a freelance platform like,,,, or Each word you write pays anywhere from $0.3 to $2!

Don’t work for peanuts. Give your best and earn the big bucks. Remember that Quality Pays for Itself! Always be punctual and communicate often with your clients. You might land a regular client that pays $$$$ per month. Don’t take more jobs than you can handle, or else you will lose it!

3. Prepare Presentations for other Professionals

Doctors are busy people. I remember helping my professors prepare presentation slides. This is where you have an opportunity to earn some online income. There are thousands of busy doctors who need presentations to be prepared for them. Just look out for jobs on freelancing sites and you will find someone or the other requiring your services.

Preparing a Powerpoint presentation can take some research time if you have to do the whole presentation yourself, without any input from the client. So, give clear cut guidelines about your services and what they can expect from your services – whether you would just prepare the powerpoint slides or you would do the research as well. Then, charge accordingly as per an agreed-to set of landmarks.

4. Medical Transcription Services

You could also earn by offering medical transcription services to various clients. Some clients have jobs that are continual in nature and might be able to engage you throughout the year. This is a job in high demand, but it pays little. You need to complete lots of mundane tasks to reach a sizable income.

Take up transcription jobs if you are scared to write on your own. This could become a starting point where you fall in love with the written word and earn online.

5. Put out your Own Product Online

The easiest money online is money earned by selling your own product. I am not talking here about a physical product. By default, medicos are filled with useful info that can be used in a variety of ways. You could easily create an ebook and sell it online or better still, create a series of e-books and sell it on or and get paid for every sale of your product. If you check out and look for e-books, you will find some bestsellers that would have landed in the garbage. Surely, you will be able to produce some great books with the immense knowledge you have!

Now that you have the know-how, get started with your first job online and earn your very first online dollar! Remember to come back and put in your valuable comments to help others as well. Don’t worry about sharing this knowledge – there are enough projects online to last a lifetime for each one of us!

If you feel you have it in you to earn that extra dollar online but don’t know how, feel free to contact me through the contact me page.
For those of you who couldn't read through the above, here's the gist of it in a video:

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

Articles: 1080


  1. Hello, i read your blog want to try out my writing career still looking in google for help. Your site is helpuful but still i need more to read to understand

  2. Hello, I enjoy reading your website! I really agree with your point as I am a virtual nurse for an outsourcing company.

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