Julius Rogers

Julius Rogers

Julius Rogers is a health freak and loves to pen health articles that teach, educate, and entertain. He writes health information at various health outlets. Be sure to check out his other ventures!

What’s the Best Way to Buy Modafinil?

Modafinil undoubtedly lives up to its reputation as one of the most efficient drugs in the nootropics range on the market. Apart from aiding people who suffer from severe sleeping disorders, it improves the cognitive brain functions, thus providing greater…

Who Should Get An Orthopedic Mattress?

The term “Orthopedic” in orthopaedic mattress implies to mattresses supporting the joints, bones, and the body as a whole. An orthopedic mattress is specifically designed to support the back, joints and the whole body. As the name suggests, an orthopaedic…

What is Cannabidiol (CBD)?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one group of unique chemical compounds found only in the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids are the collective name for these chemical compounds. Though it comes from the cannabis plant, it is different from the regular cannabis due to…