Fantastic Tips on How to Start a Running Program

Any running program absolutely demands time and patience! There may be too many temptations to avoid the schedule, but hang on. If you can stick to the plan, you’ll progress faster and then, you can slowly modify the program to fit your needs. Starting at a slower pace is perfectly alright. Eventually, you could progress to a faster pace in motion, as per your confidence level and stamina.

Suggestions before you start with the Program

Professional training would help to a large extent. You could have a trainer to train/guide you to begin with, for a few sessions. Or that, even a physiotherapist’s advice might come in handy. They will be able to identify problems by evaluating your running style and other bio mechanics, and give you appropriate directions to follow.

Kindly be careful if you have any foot injuries or wounds or fractures or any kind of medical imbalances. If there is any such weakness, please get it sorted out with your physician even before you begin with the program.

Wear some comfortable and easy apparel/clothes. Sports shoes would be highly recommended to use. It is imperative that you concentrate on following the program. Try not to strain yourself by overdoing anything.

As you keep gaining confidence on your feet, you will pick up speed.

Tips to Start Running

Step 1: Walk and Run combo

Apportion some time for warm up exercises before starting as it will loosen out the muscles and prepare the bones and joints.

Brisk walking would be a good start after the warm-up. Follow it up with light running. Take turns to do the same. For example, try to walk for 10 minutes first and then run for 5 minutes. Gradually, you can try increasing the duration of each while alternately walking and running. Take short breaks during running and walking.

This will have your activities spread across your program time.

Step 2: Be Calculative

Keep the time and distance. Fix an achievable time and distance to run. Follow the same pattern and gradually build the momentum. As an example, try to cover a particular distance in a fixed time. A stopwatch may help you to monitor time or you can even use a cell phone.

Step 3: Utility of Playlist

To keep a track of your time, save a playlist on your music player such as iPod, Mobile Phones or MP3 players. Basically, this would help you to be focused and it keeps you engaged. Start walking/running with the music on. Music has been a very traditional motivator and an influence for many kinds of motions, including self-improvement programs, aerobics, indoor games etc.

For a better progress, you have to be watchful on an appropriate and healthy diet. Practicing calorie-conscious eating habits has to be cultivated. Having a weight check regularly will be useful.

Final Word

Every individual is so different from the other in adapting to certain methods or exercising patterns. It may be a challenge to endure the program. Hence, settle on a level that actually suits you – it is the best way to keep yourself on the move.

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Alia Haley
Alia Haley

I am a health blogger and love to post interesting health articles in various blogs to increase my audience.

Articles: 5


  1. Thanks for the tips. I find running–even regular walks–to be so helpful for good cardio health and energy. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of overcoming basic procrastination to get regular with it. Setting and following a plan, as you suggest, only makes it better!

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