Causes of Failed Pregnancy

There is nothing more important for married couples than having a baby. However, some are not successful enough or are not blessed enough to have one. Below are some of the reasons of failed pregnancy. You can assess yourself or your partner to see if any of the reasons are for your concern.

1. Pollution: Air pollution is known to be one of the reasons that stop women from getting pregnant because it reduces IVF success. Researchers from Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York conducted a study designed specially to know whether air pollution during in vitro fertilization or IVF has any connection with failed pregnancy. Researchers concluded that air pollution or low air quality is associated with failed pregnancy rates.

2. Age: It has been known that Age is closely associated with failed pregnancy. According to studies, women aged 35 years or older and men aged 40 years and older will take some time to get pregnant, because a woman’s age can affect the ovulation frequency as well as the quality of the eggs.

3. Male Infertility: Even though the woman is the one who will carry the baby, a successful pregnancy obviously takes two to tango. Studies show that 20 to 30 percent of infertile couples have infertility discovered on the man’s side, while forty percent are credited to both sides. In addition, male infertility is hard to detect unless one will undergoes semen analysis.

4. Blocked Fallopian Tubes: 25 to 30 percent of women infertility are caused by irregular ovulation count while the other half of them can have blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis or structural problems. Some women may have regular period and do not show any sign of problem, but this does not guarantee that they are fertile.

5. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS: PCOS is a woman’s health condition that causes a woman’s body to produce excessive androgens. Androgens are the hormones that are held responsible for a man’s masculinity. This type of hormone imbalance will cause a woman’s ovulation to disrupt. Irregular monthly period will occur and the development of male characteristics including baldness and deeper voice. Most of the time, this health disorder in a woman is associated with obesity and insulin resistance.

6. Early menopause: Early or premature menopause is considered a deficiency. It causes the ovarian follicles to decrease before a woman reaches 40 years old. If a woman shows signs of menopause before she reaches 40 years of age, she is known to have early menopause and this can be caused by an immune disease or by radiation.

7. Older Men’s Sperm: It has been known that the sperm of older men can cause failed pregnancy because they are known to have abnormalities in their sperm, which make their children more prone to birth defects.

8. Cancer Treatment:People undergoing radiotherapy and other forms of cancer treatment are prone to failed pregnancy as these forms of treatment can hinder the function of the reproductive system in both male and the female.

9. Endometriosis: If your uterine tissue grows outside your uterus, most likely than not, you have endometriosis affecting your ovaries, eggs, fallopian tubes, uterus, and sperm function.

10. Scar Tissue in the ovary: This physical damage in a woman’s ovaries is another cause of infertility and eventually failed pregnancy. This can be caused by any abdominal surgery.

11. Thyroid Disorders: Both thyroid disorders, hyperthyroidism that causes an overactive thyroid and Hypothyroidism that causes an underactive thyroid can cause infertility in women, thus can be one of the reasons of unsuccessful or failed pregnancy.

 Keeping in mind these causes is better while practicing online tips on how to get pregnant fast, rather than other unreliable resources which might not be right for your condition.

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Anu Kumar
Anu Kumar

Anu Kumar is a blogger with an enthusiasm in writing for the Pregnancy Topic. This guest author blogs at and has written some insightful articles there.

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  1. After months of trial but still in vain it is good that both got medically tested to know where the source problem come from. I am definitely going to share your great article because i know a friend who is trying to conceive but still nothing yet 🙁

    • Good to hear that. Just make sure that they understand that infertility requires specialist treatment and consistent follow-ups to succeed. Keep the faith and wishing your friends the very best of luck in their efforts.

  2. Women trying to get pregnant should be aware of these common causes of failed pregnancy. I am lucky enough I have known a few of them like the age. Now at 30 I am decided to stop conceiving and happy with my three kids.

  3. We both are passed 2 years marrige life..we would like to conciev…,,…unfortunatly, we r not success….before 6 month ago she got 2 month pregnat…

    • I am not sure I know your history well enough to suggest anything concrete. All that I can understand is that you are over 35 years which is a risk factor for some congenital diseases. Hence my suggestion is to stop any, or all contraceptives, undergo some screening tests before you conceive or immediately after, and visit your gynaecologist to get a thorough checkup for yourself and your husband. Of course, husband’s age doesn’t usually matter much. All the best!

  4. Hy doctor we are both 34 but we struggling to have a bby but my girlfriend was pregnant before than she have miscarriage so frm that day the way they clean her i am thinking that is the problem because she dd have lots of pains fr a month so help m what can we do to get a child

  5. Hi doctor,
    We got married last 6months,my wife had to take control birth pills for 3 months.
    After stopping taking,she’s not able to conceive,she’s 25yrs,am 29yrs
    What maybe the problem doctor please explain to me.
    Thanks in advance.

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