5 Tips for Seniors Trying to Lose Those Pandemic Pounds

If you've recently gained extra weight due to the pandemic, you're probably looking forward to shedding a few pounds. After all, being stuck at home almost every day can give you every opportunity to be lazy and eat all day. Instead of giving up, it's crucial to your health and well-being to be positive. Whether you're a senior or retired, you have several options to begin your weight loss journey.

Elderly Weight Loss Pandemic Blog

Find a Convenient Local Gym

Working out at a gym can help you get motivated to exercise. Since you'll probably be around other people, you might feel more competitive and inspired. Not to mention the fact that you might make a new friend or two. Finding a local gym that suits you can make your time worthwhile. An online search for “gym near me” should be enough to get you started. You might even find one that's close enough so you can get some exercise by walking or riding a bike.

Commit to Healthy Eating

Although you may not know this, eating a healthy diet can significantly improve your health by aiding in weight loss, boosting energy levels, and enhancing the brain and memory. Further, it's vital to consume carbohydrate-rich foods such as brown rice and sweet potatoes. Wholegrain pasta and bread, wholegrain cereal, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and brown bread can add the right amount of fiber to your diet. Additionally, eating five portions of fruits and vegetables a day is wise. Try adding one or more vegetables to soups or eating a piece of fruit as a snack.

Go for a Walk

A straightforward way to burn calories and stay healthy is to walk for 30 minutes or more each day. Walking can improve muscle strength, strengthen the bones, prevent osteoporosis, and lower your risk of diabetes, stroke, colon cancer, and heart disease, among other things. Ideas for your walk include taking the dog for a walk, heading down a nature trail, or strolling through the park. Of course, by going for an outdoor walk, you can appreciate the beauty of nature by breathing fresh air and feeling the sun on your face. Moreover, wearing sunscreen is a safe way to protect your skin from cancer and sunburn.

Play Some Golf

Heading to the golf course means you can get some sun, play a relaxing game and exercise your muscles. Instead of traveling in a golf cart, choosing to walk can help you lose weight. Next, swinging a golf club can help burn calories and tone your muscles. Consider asking a friend or family member to join you for a game. Socializing with someone you enjoy spending time with can make life worth living. You also have an opportunity to make new friends at the golf course.

Do Yoga

The benefits of practicing yoga include enhanced sleep quality, back pain relief, stress management, improved balance and strength, and plenty of others. You don't have to be skilled at yoga to start doing life-changing poses. Yoga is a spiritual practice that can considerably improve your well-being and health. To begin with, all you need to do is learn some basic poses. Then, take a yoga mat to a quiet area in the house or go outside. You can do yoga before bedtime, in the morning, or whenever you so desire. One idea you might like is taking a yoga class online or locally. Consider asking someone to join you for companionship. Finally, incorporating yoga into your life on a regular basis can help you be more spiritual. This can help you gain a sense of meaning and purpose, and this is something everyone needs.

When you lose those pandemic pounds, you'll feel a lot better about yourself on the inside and out. And every time you feel like allowing negativity to bring you down, tell yourself this is only a minor setback. Remember to stay positive and commit to better fitness, so you can live the healthy lifestyle everyone deserves. Doing so will also make it easier to spend time with loved ones.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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