Post-Extraction Care Guide: What to Do After Getting Your Wisdom Tooth Removed

The third molars, also known as the “wisdom teeth,” are the last to erupt among all the 32 permanent teeth in adults. These typically emerge at around the ages of 17 to 25, but there are some instances when these do not show up at all.

In some cases, this batch of choppers does not grow the way it should, which is why it needs to be pulled out. According to specialists at the best dental clinic in Dubai, the extraction of wisdom teeth is necessary in several situations, including:

  • Angled growth towards the second molar, thereby causing the wisdom tooth to become impacted
  • Erupting sideways with an angle of almost 90 degrees towards the other teeth, with the third molars seemingly “lying down” on the jawbone
  • Angled growth towards the inside of the mouth
  • Straight upward or downward growth but remains trapped inside the jawbone

After Dental Extraction Guide

If these wisdom teeth conditions are not dealt with early, patients can suffer from various symptoms ranging from tooth decay, damage to nearby teeth, and pain to more serious complications like cysts around the wisdom tooth and gum disease.

5 Things to Know About Wisdom Tooth Post-Extraction Care

Millions of wisdom tooth extractions are done every year and most patients experience minimal pain after the surgery. Healing usually requires only a few weeks, with just a little discomfort from swelling and bleeding.

Even so, it is important that you know the necessary aftercare measures that can help minimize pain and other post-surgery symptoms and prevent other possible complications from the procedure.

1. Immediately After the Surgery

Make sure to keep the gauze pad applied by the dentist over the surgical area in place for at least 30 minutes before it is discarded. After that, you must avoid a vigorous mouth rinseor any act that can potentially dislodge the blood clot that may cause excessive bleeding.

Since tooth extractions are considered minor surgeries, it is imperative that your activities are restricted. Also, prescribed medications should be taken according to the dentist’s instructions.

2. Bleeding

Bleeding is expected after any tooth extraction. To control any excessive bleeding, bite firmly on a clean gauze pad over the area for 30 minutesand repeat when needed. Make sure that the pressure is placed directly over the extraction point.

It is also important to avoid chewing as it may stimulate saliva which causes the gums to bleed. If the bleeding ensues, you can bite on a wet tea bag over the surgical area after gently removing the blood clot. This will cause the blood vessels to contract and promote clotting, thanks to the tannic acid in the tea bag.

3. Swelling

To deal with swelling, you can apply ice packs along the jaw area outside the mouth. Leave it there for 20 minutes and take it off for another 20 minutes. Repeat this intermittently for two days to deal with bruising, swelling, and discomfort.

For infected teeth prior to extraction, you should replace the ice pack with a warm compress.

4. Diet

You can start with a soft diet after the bleeding stops. Make sure to drink only cold or lukewarm fluids to stay hydrated. Clear fluids are recommended during the first few days following the extraction.

After that, you can level up to eating food that requires little to no chewing like gelatin, pudding, mashed potatoes, cooked cereals, and others. You can also use a blender to liquefy fruits, vegetables, and even meat. Don’t drink any carbonated beverages and foods that may get lodged on the extraction site, like nuts and popcorn.

5. Pain Management

In the rare chance that you experience pain after wisdom tooth extraction, you can take dentist-prescribed painkillers as directed. Expect these medicines to make you feel a bit groggy, so you must avoid driving, working with and around machinery, and performing any other task that requires a clear mind and quick reflexes. You should also take a break from alcoholic beverages when taking pain medication.

The worst of the discomfort or pain should only last between 24 and 48 hours after the surgery.

One Last Reminder

Tooth extraction aftercare is as important as the procedure itself, so make sure you know what needs to be done following the surgery. If the side effects worsen (e.g., the bleeding won’t stop, or you experience high fever or severe pain and swelling), you should call or see a dentist immediately.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dr. Zul Paliwalla is the General and Cosmetic British Dentist at NOA Dental Clinic, specializing in smile-related concerns. With over 33 years of experience in the UK, Dr. Zul has successfully worked on and improved many internationally recognized smiles. He is a certified Invisalign® GOLD provider as well and has brought his elite expertise to Dubai not only to enjoy the sun, sea and sand, but also to offer his brand of personalized smile makeovers.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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