How to Enjoy a More Productive Day, Every Day

Staying motivated and productive is one of the biggest challenges that many people face, especially if they find themselves working more frequently from home, with reduced structure, contact with other people, and the many other small gestures that helped to shape our lives. However, it is still possible to stay productive and engaged and enjoy a healthier and happier day, every day. Read on for some tips on how you can put this into practice.

How to Enjoy a More Productive Day

Start every day with some movement and water

Hydration is one of the most essential building blocks for good physical and mental health, and a lack of enough water in your day can often leave you feeling tired, in pain, and struggling to focus or work effectively. Starting your day with a fresh glass of water will help you feel more alert, setting you up well for the day ahead.

Having some regular movement every morning is also an energizing and inspiring step to take. However you decide to move, whether it is going to the gym, enjoying a walk or bike ride, swimming or any other kind of activity, it’s an ideal way to boost endorphins and lift your mood, making it much easier to stay committed to what you may want to focus on.

Set a clear schedule

Having a clear schedule that lists everything you need to do in a day, from making a note of deadlines for work or educational projects to personal appointments at places like and other healthcare issues, will help you manage your day much more effectively.

There are plenty of ways to create a schedule now. If you prefer to go the old-school way, you might like to have a traditional paper diary, where all of your commitments can be filled in by hand ahead of time. You can also find a variety of apps and alert systems that can be connected with your laptop or smartphone, that will indicate what you need to be doing next on your list.

Create an intention list for every day

A to-do list can be a great way of motivating yourself more and designing a more productive day. After all, it is consistent with setting out a clear and actionable set of steps that you want to achieve and complete by the end of a fixed time period.

However, it can be easy to lose track of items on a fixed list, especially if you happen to get busier than expected with other items on the list. This can be quite demotivating, leading you to give up and fall back on your previous habits. An intention list, meanwhile, is a good way of overcoming this, as it allows room in your schedule for things to take longer than expected. If you have not been able to complete all of your intended tasks, you can allow yourself more time in the future to do things as required, without feeling overly rushed.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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