Can you Get a Hair Transplant on a Scar Tissue?

Premature hair loss and baldness can occur due to a multitude of reasons, both in men and women. While men suffer from the dreaded male pattern baldness, women are also affected in a similar manner, although the chances are lesser. Alopecia areata, for example, is one of the chief causes of premature baldness, and is more or less unavoidable since it’s an autoimmune disease. Other causes include injury, scarring and any kind of trauma that can arrest hair growth, because scar tissue doesn’t have hair follicles and usually doesn’t get as much blood supply as normal, unscarred skin.

As you can imagine, patients who have scars on hair bearing areas are quite conscious of that fact and usually under the impression that nothing can be done to fix it. Contrary to popular belief, you can, in fact, get a hair transplant on scar tissue! And by hair transplant, it’s not just on the scalp, it’s on any hair bearing area, including the beard, moustache and eyebrows. So the short answer to the question of whether you can get a hair transplant on scar tissue is a resounding yes!

Combining modern hair transplantation methods and strategic placement from an experienced surgeon, you can say goodbye to a hairless scarred area, as long as the scar is not complicated. Granted, the graft survival rate on a scarred area is lower than usual, but if you know what you’re doing and place the grafts properly, there shouldn’t be any problems. In this case, graft placement is of the utmost importance because there might be a lack of uniform area to transplant on, so it has to be done carefully so as not to look ‘patchy’.

Additionally, the surgeon might also consider the option of surgically revising the scar, which basically involves removing a larger upper scar tissue to reveal a smaller area underneath that is more easily workable. To put it simply, hair transplant on scar tissue is very much possible, after considering the following factors:

  • Scar thickness and blood supply in that area
  • Size of incisions – Smaller incisions are preferable
  • Graft spacing – Grafts would be ideally spaced a little more apart
  • Longer duration between sessions – Although density of hair can be increased on the recipient area, there should be a longer period of time between sessions to let the area heal

So if you’re considering getting a hair transplant but are reluctant because of the recipient area being scarred, head over for a consultation to a hair restoration clinic in Hyderabad and let an experienced surgeon decide what measures to take before going ahead with the procedure. No more stopping yourself from getting the hair transplant you always wanted!

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Julius Rogers
Julius Rogers

Julius Rogers is a health freak and loves to pen health articles that teach, educate, and entertain. He writes health information at various health outlets. Be sure to check out his other ventures!

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