Tips for Educating Your Kids About The Dangers of The World

The dangers of the world are around every corner, so it’s important to educate your kids about them in order to protect them from harm. Now, there are dangers everywhere, and all parents and guardians have a duty of care to warn of the world’s perils and protect their kids.

Not all dangers can be articulated to young children, and in this case, dangerous objects and situations must be removed and avoided. Educating your kids about the dangers of the world can start at home and then branch out into teaching them about the dangers of talking to strangers, for example. There’s a wide scope of danger throughout the world so you must make your kids aware and above all else, safe and well educated.

Risks for Children Blog Post

Illegal Substances

It’s difficult to keep up with the terms and colloquial names for drugs and substances, but in order to ensure your kids are safe, you must stay on top of learning about these drugs. There are the infamous ones you will have heard of, and then there are certain mixes and strains that will be alien to you. Educate yourself on these substances so that you can impart your wisdom and advice respectively.

New music can glorify the use of drugs, so be careful what music your kids can access. Synthetic cannabis can be extremely dangerous as can a drink referred to as “Purple Drank,” that is mixed with high doses of codeine. This is relatively new, but lean drink side effects include quickened heart rate and respiratory problems. Try and ensure your children are aware of the facts so that they can be more familiar with the risks involved, which may help keep them safe and will definitely keep them informed. Illegal substances such as drugs are high risk, so the more you know about them then, the more you can warm of. Substance abuse can be fatal, so it’s paramount you teach your kids about the dangers of using recreational drugs.

It’s wise to have this conversation as your kids are approaching puberty so that you can warm them before the desire to experiment really bubbles to the surface. You cannot always stop your kids from experimenting, so make sure you make them aware of how to be safe should they take them. Don’t ever condone the use of recreational drugs but inform your kids on what is involved. Let your kids know that you don’t support any decision to take potentially dangerous drugs. Giving them guidance and knowledge will mean they are more aware, as opposed to having no knowledge of the long-lasting and damaging side effects.

Internet Dangers

This is going to be a tricky one as kids are exposed to online content so frequently. The best you can do is restrict what they can access the home WIFI system by adding parental controls. Refusing to allow your children to have a mobile can be dangerous in itself, so you must accept that some internet dangers may be breached. Your best method to protect your kids is to educate and inform them frankly and honestly.

Be honest and warn your kids of the intentions of some strangers. Don’t be embarrassed or afraid to go into detail and tell your kids about past cases about the internet being dangerous for children. You don’t want to terrify your kids, but they should be wary of risky situations. Teach them about the potential risks out there, and inform them of cases of anonymous chat rooms, for example. It is also advised to inform them to never disclose personal information or send money online to an unknown source.

Dangers in The Home

There are also dangers for much younger children. These can be as simple as instances of dangers in the home. Don’t forget that your own home is rife with dangers to those whom know no better and are naïve of the risks in some behaviors, such as putting fingers in plug sockets and knives in the toaster. Both such instances can be potentially harmful, so it is paramount you teach your kids early and tell them never to do such things.

If you’re concerned as to whether your young kids will take any notice of you, then play it safe and install safety measures. Or, remove the risk entirely. You will have heard of babyproofing you're home, so if you’re worried then don’t think twice about removing electricals, adding stairgates, adding non-pull devices to cupboard drawers and doors and keeping sharp objects safely out of reach and behind locked doors. Keep your home free from accessible weapons such as guns.

Stranger Danger

When your kids are beginning to come of age, they will inevitably show an interest in becoming independent and trusted to walk home from school unattended or with a group of friends. For parents, this can be an uneasy time as you’re preoccupied with what could go wrong. Make absolutely sure your kids know how to act if they were to be approached by a stranger with malicious intent.

Tell your kids never to get into a stranger’s vehicle and to run away should they sense the slightest feeling of trouble or fear. Educate your children about strangers and let them know you’ll protect them from harm. Your kids should have a mobile if they’re walking home from school. Think about striking a deal with your kids and agreeing for them to walk half the route from school back home.


Your children will inevitably get to the age where they will start learning to drive. Although this may be a particularly daunting prospect, helping them along the way will ensure they are safe on the roads. You could go out for a drive with them to show them the ropes and ensure that they are getting enough practice.

Although a driving instructor will do this, spending some one on one time with your child can help to ensure they are familiar with the dangers of the road that only years of expertise can teach.

Children Growing Up Funny Cartoon

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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