Applied Treatment of Depressant Addictions

Prescription depressant medications are rarely prescribed by doctors for long periods of time due to their tendency to become addictive and abused. Getting free of this type of addiction requires a safe medical detoxification process. Below are the mechanics of successful depressant detox and treatment.

Addictive Nature of Depressants

One of the more common depressants prescribed by doctors is benzodiazepine. This is a class of medications that are highly addictive and the body builds a strong tolerance. This means that the addicted person will have to take more and more of this medication to get the same effects of previous doses. This naturally leads towards a problem with dependence and addiction. It can eventually lead to the individual seeking additional sources of the medication outside of legal realms.

Benzo Withdrawal Symptoms

Benzo withdrawal symptoms can be severe, fairly immediate and make the complete discontinuation nearly impossible without intervention and treatment. Withdrawal symptoms can be life-threatening if the amount and length of use are high. Symptoms can include, anxiety, panic attacks, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headaches, hallucinations, insomnia, irritability, paranoia, and seizures. Length and severity of symptoms will vary amongst individuals, but someone with a high tolerance is likely to become ill within hours of the absence of medication.

Depressants Withdrawal

Rebound Effect

The rebound effect is a term coined regarding the two to a three-day period during withdrawal in which levels of anxiety and insomnia will peak. The benzo addicted individual will experience levels of anxiety and sleep loss that far exceed any before that has happened previous to ceasing the drug. It is both uncomfortable and irritating. This is when the person undergoing treatment needs the most emotional support. It is a tendency for the addict to want to quit the withdrawal process to end the symptoms. Working through this portion of treatment is a delicate process that takes commitment and experience. provides you with the opportunity to talk to a licensed, professional therapist online anytime, anywhere.

Benzo Detox

A complete benzo detoxification should be monitored and supervised for the sake of safety to the client. This is not a drug that is safe to detox “cold turkey” at home. Being placed in a medical facility is the best route to take in case an emergency arises that requires immediate medical intervention, such as seizures.

Tapering Down and Supervised Withdrawal

The sensible approach to a medically supervised withdrawal from benzodiazepine is to gradually taper down the use to help control the symptoms that accompany the process. This will not eliminate the withdrawal by any means but can make the process more manageable for the client. This will also reduce the chances of serious symptoms in clients that have high tolerance levels over long periods of constant use.

Benzo Detoxification Medications

There are several medications that can be used to alleviate some of the symptoms of benzo withdrawal. Two of these are Buspirone and Flumazenil. Buspirone is traditionally prescribed for high anxiety and panic disorders and can help minimize the stress of benzo withdrawal. Flumazenil is normally used for benzo overdoses but is showing promise in helping break the chains of addiction with longterm benzo use. There are other medications available that can help with symptoms and are non-addictive in nature.

Benzo Addiction Treatment

The most important step taken in benzo addiction treatment beyond deciding to seek help is the safe detox process. Getting the drug out of the body is first and foremost in complete addiction recovery. Then the process of sorting through the reasons behind dependence through counseling begins. This is sometimes a lifetime activity. Many recovering addicts find that regular therapy sessions help them steer clear of the dangers of relapse. They learn needed coping skills to handle possible craving down the line and recognize the situations that can lead to a relapse in addiction.

Finding Lasting Recovery

The combination of a desire to get addiction-free, expert medical intervention and a lifetime of support can provide the lasting recovery you need. You can begin to build a life that revolves around personal success and happiness rather than quelling the demands of an addiction. It is important to get professional help for this particular addiction due to the dangers and discomfort involved with withdrawal. Once this mountain is climbed, the rest of recovery seems easier. Do not let fear of withdrawal keep you from making this important change in your life. There are well-qualified professionals that can assist you through the rough part.

Call on California depressants detox center specialists like Restore Detox Centers and schedule an assessment right away!

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Julius Rogers
Julius Rogers

Julius Rogers is a health freak and loves to pen health articles that teach, educate, and entertain. He writes health information at various health outlets. Be sure to check out his other ventures!

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