Care for your Child’s Health with Kent Aura

Delhi is one of the most polluted cities in India today. In fact, as per an article published in DailyMail back in 2015, nearly half of Delhi’s children suffer severe lung problems due to increasing air pollution. Exposure to bad air can put children at grave risk of developing acute respiratory illnesses.

In addition to outdoor air pollution, poor indoor air quality is also responsible for declining health conditions in children. Tuberculosis, asthma, severe upper tract respiratory infection, uncontrolled sneezing are some examples of respiratory illnesses that perpetuates in children as a result poor indoor air quality. While one cannot possibly control the quality of air outside, indoor air quality can certainly be improved with the help of air purifiers.

Introducing Kent Aura

Kent Aura, a revolutionary air purifier by Kent, India’s largest healthcare product company is built with a state of the art HEPA technology that provides clean and dust-free air. The appliance is easy to install and can effectively clean the air of rooms up to 27 square feet.

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B019CCYLQK” locale=”IN” src=”” tag=”mediisla-21″ width=”427″]

On an average day, we spent around 90% of our time indoor (at home or office).  Being exposed to stale air that is infused with common indoor air pollutants, bacteria, outdoor dust, pollen, second-hand smoke and even kitchen fumes can be quite harmful for young children and the elderly. Which is why installing air purifier such as Kent Aura in your home is highly recommended. It is an apt appliance that will help you deal with your child’s health in an optimum way. Built with advanced Japanese dust collection technology, Kent Aura boasts following attributes –

  • Efficiently removes PM 2.5 particulate matter
  • Activated carbon filters removes all odour
  • Comes with an intelligent air monitoring system
  • The inbuilt air Ionizer improves air freshness
  • High purifying capacity improves the air quality of a room instantly
  • Highly functional design such as child lock feature and easy installation
  • Low noise operation
  • Filter change indicator

The aforementioned advanced features of Kent Aura air purifier are ideal for home and domestic use. The appliance works on a 3-stage filtration process. Each filter is designed to serve a particular purpose for effective and efficient air filtration-

Stage 1 – Primary Filter

The primary air filter removes large and visible pollutants such as large dust particles, pet hair, debris and even cobwebs.

Stage 2 – Activated Carbon Filter

The activated carbon filter is designed to absorb or remove all kinds of odors such as cigarette fumes, pet smell, benzene and formaldehyde.

Stage 3 – Antibacterial HEPA Filter

All carcinogenic particles and pollutants such as bacteria, pollen, mold, and allergens are captured and removed by the antibacterial HEPA filter.

The 3 stage filtration process ensures that you breathe clean and pure air.  Since the purifier improves air quality of a room, you child is also likely to get sound sleep.

Last Few Words

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”160″ identifier=”B019CCYLQK” locale=”IN” src=”” tag=”mediisla-21″ width=”133″]Kent Aura has a very beautiful and modern design. It can be easily installed at home. The appliance comes with a complete user manual that will guide you on how to clean and use the device. Kent Aura also has various customizable features. For instance, the speed button can help you adjust the speed of the appliance to low, medium and high. Similarly, the timer setting can adjust for 2 hours, 4 hours and 8 hours. Once the time is up, the device will automatically shut off as per the set time.

If your child is constantly falling sick and is having running nose, bad cough and uncontrolled sneezing, installing Kent Aura will certainly help. In the age of smart and new-age consumer appliances, air purifier is a very useful innovation. So, gift your child good health by investing in Kent Aura air purifier today.

Air Filtration Cartoon

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

Articles: 1079

One comment

  1. Small babies and infants are more susceptible to disease and fever. so, it is very important for parents to keep and give them full proof and safe environment to breathe and live. Cleaning floors and bedsheets often are not enough, we need to feed them with fresh air and water. I agree Air purifier is the must-have device in the home.

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