Life After the Lap Band – Dos and Don’ts

A lot of people opt for the lap band if they are eligible for bariatric surgery. This is due to the fact that it is one of the safest procedures around, and it has shown very good results. There are also many places all over the world where the lap band can be fitted. As a result, some people travel to have it done in locations such as Mexico, America, or the Ukraine, because it is more affordable to them, or because it means they can avoid long waiting times.

If you have chosen to have lap band surgery, regardless of where you have it completed, it is important that you know what you should and shouldn’t do after you have had the surgery. This is particularly important if you did travel away from your home country, as it may be more difficult for you to get help should something go wrong.

What to Do After Surgery?

The University of California, San Diego has completed a piece of research that showed the dietary guidelines that should be provided to all lap band patients. These guidelines have now been adopted all over the country, and in many places around the world. They include:

  • Eating a liquid diet for one to two weeks after having had surgery.
  • Eating a pureed diet for a further two weeks after moving on from liquids.
  • Eating soft foods from week five after having had the surgery.
  • Slowly starting to eat a solid food diet.
  • Eating small meals frequently, instead of having just two or three large meals per day.
  • Eating slowly and making sure everything is chewed properly before swallowing.
  • Opting for a diet that is high in protein.
  • Eating a healthy diet to avoid any type of nutritional deficiency.
  • Taking the supplements prescribed by the physician as recommended.
  • Attending all checkups with a surgeon. If someone has traveled abroad for their surgery, they should already have found a clinic at home to deal with their checkups.

What Not to Do After Surgery?

The University of California, San Diego, has also provided a list of things to avoid. Again, these recommendations have been adopted by the vast majority of surgeons. They include:

  • Not eating out, or going to parties and get-togethers where food is served. This is because these meals are often incredibly tempting, despite being very high in calories and fats.
  • Not overeating. In fact, they should make a conscious effort to not eat whenever the urge takes them there.
  • Not consuming a diet that is high in calories.
  • Not smoking, or consuming alcohol and carbonated drinks.
  • Not exercising, as exercise should become a part of daily life.
  • Not giving into any temptations. Patients must learn to recognize the differences between hunger, thirst, and boredom and only eat when they are truly hungry.

By following these recommended guidelines, it is more likely that the surgery will offer a lasting success, meaning weight loss will not just follow, but will be sustainable as well.

Belly Button Surgery

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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