Remedy Roulette, Determining Medicinal Risks and Benefits

People with conditions that require daily medication may be prescribed a solution only to find out later that they have developed a new symptom or are at risk for serious complications because of the drug. Invokana is an example of one of these medications. Originally released for use in 2013, it was prescribed to treat type II diabetes by preventing sugar from reabsorbing in the kidneys. Some patients developed ketoacidosis after taking the drug, which can cause hospitalization and be fatal if left untreated. Other patients reported developing a urinary tract infection, which required different medication to treat.

It is important for patients to always be aware of the risks involved with their medications, even if they have been taking it for years. Some complications may only be known after a medication has been prescribed to the masses. A few reasons why a drug may be recalled are listed below.

  1. Incorrect Packaging Information. There may not be anything wrong with the medication itself, but incorrect dosing information or accidental mislabeling on the packaging can cause confusion for patients. When this occurs, drugs are recalled and replaced with correct label information.
  2. Contamination during Processing. A rare occurrence, but still warranting a recall, is the issue of medicinal contamination. An outside source, such as bacteria, may contaminate a medication and cause severe reactions in patients, or human error can either amplify or diminish the amount of the drug in each individual pill. These accidents don’t necessarily mean the drug itself is harmful, but a new batch must be made to prevent harm to patients.
  3. Difficult Administration. After all the testing drugs go through to be FDA approved, the method in which they are administered may not be of concern until patients experience issues once prescribed. For instance, the container an arthritis medication is in may be difficult for people with the ailment to open. Or, a pill that must be swallowed may be too challenging for people who have lost the ability to swallow properly, such as the elderly. In this case, a drug will be recalled for a better administration method.
  4. Unforeseen Side Effects. Because bodies works differently, a side effect may not be known until a variety of patients have tried it. Thus, drug companies and doctors distribute these medications without knowing the potential risks involved. Once a pattern is established, the drug may be recalled for patients with the traits it’s affecting.

In the case of Invokana, unintended serious side effects occurred in some patients who used the drug and a list of contraindications was then announced. It is important for any patient to be aware of the potential risks of the medications they are prescribed, but especially important for any newer drugs. If a person develops any side effects from a drug, they should be discussed with the person’s doctor immediately to determine if the consequences outweigh the benefits.

To learn more about the drugs in your medicine cabinet, visit and discover associated risks today.

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Julius Rogers
Julius Rogers

Julius Rogers is a health freak and loves to pen health articles that teach, educate, and entertain. He writes health information at various health outlets. Be sure to check out his other ventures!

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