Most Popular Medical Items among Online Medical Supply Store Buyers

Online medical supply stores are becoming ever more popular these days. Doctors, nurses, caregivers and health conscious people all enjoy shopping for their medical supplies online. Here in this article, we discuss some of the more frequently purchased items from these types of online shops.

Digital thermometer: Digital thermometers, used for taking an individual’s oral, axillary or rectal temperature are one of the most frequently sold medical devices. These petite handheld units boast a small led window to show the patient’s temperature. Most caregivers and clinicians prefer to rely on digital thermometers instead of mercury bulb thermometers as obtaining an accurate reading on the traditional models could often be quite difficult. In addition, unlike the traditional thermometers, their digital counterparts can measure an individual’s oral temperature within seconds. Every home, especially those with elderly or small children present, should have a digital thermometer for detecting fever.

IV stand: Although IV stands are not sold very frequently to individuals, they are among the most widely sold medical supplies online. These are primarily purchased by hospitals, clinics, and care-giving facilities. These organizations purchase many types of IV stands including models designed for intensive care units, models specific to operation theaters, models meant for urological departments, and stands used in pediatrics. There are some patients who cannot be admitted to a care-giving facility or a hospital. Fortunately for them, some companies make IV stands meant especially for home care. There are also companies that make foldable IV stands.

Backrest: Backrests are most commonly purchased for household use. Assisted Living facilities also purchase backrests for their residents. Typically online sells two types of backrests; those meant for use in bed and units meant for use in a chair. Both types are available in a variety of materials. For individuals confined to bed or a wheelchair, a comfortable back rest can make a huge difference. Some shops also offer an impressive collection of back rests designed for car seats. Ideally, you should speak to your doctor before placing an order so you can choose a backrest design based on the type of back problem you are experiencing.

Cervical collar: Cervical collars, which are also often referred to as neck braces, are medical devices used for supporting the neck after injury or surgery. These collars are often worn by individuals suffering from cervical spondylosis, a condition that affects the joints of the neck. People with a tracheostomy use rigid cervical collars with openings for ease of access or pulse monitors. Emergency personnel employ the use of soft foam cervical collars on people experiencing possibly traumatic neck or head injuries following an accident.

Walker: Walkers are widely popular tools meant for allowing elderly or disabled people to move around without others’ support. These tools helps people in maintaining body balance while walking and improve mobility to those with major or minor difficulties of movement.

With so many different designs, shapes and sizes; your doctor or practitioner is the best person to help you decide which walker model will suit you best.

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About the Author: The writer of this article runs an online medical supply store. The collection of the store includes all possible kinds of medical equipment, each belonging to a top brand.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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