Ailing Teeth: 5 Signs You May Need a Tooth Extraction

The thought of having a tooth extraction at the dentist’s office may seem frightening to people, but it is occasionally necessary. A dentist usually prefers to save a tooth with an extensive procedure, instead of removing it from a patient’s mouth. However, there are several conditions that require a tooth’s removal.

One: Discomfort from Supernumerary Third Molars

Many individuals have small oral cavities making it difficult to grow molars. Also known as wisdom teeth, these grow toward the back of the mouth nearest to the throat. Impacted molars are painful, causing people to have chronic jaw pain. Not everyone needs molars removed while others only need one or two extracted.

Two: A Painful Severely Fractured Tooth

Accidents can cause someone to fracture a tooth, requiring an extraction immediately to remedy the intense pain in the gum tissue due to the exposed dental pulp. This is typically an emergency procedure to avoid developing an infection in the open wound around the injury.

Three: Inflamed and Bleeding Gum Tissue

Severe gum disease rarely occurs because people get routine checkups twice a year to find problems in early stages. However, serious gum disease can lead to needing teeth that have infected roots extracted. Symptoms of extensive gingivitis include bleeding along with red and swollen gums with loose teeth.

Four: Pain in the Jaw While Chewing

Anyone with pain in their jaw or face while chewing food may have a poor dental biting surface that requires tooth extraction. Malformed teeth that are not repairable are often removed before a patient begins orthodontia treatment with braces. An additional symptom of a bad bite is bruxism or teeth grinding while sleeping.

Five: Chronic Toothache due to Dental Decay

A patient with a severely decayed tooth requires an extraction to stop the pain in the dental pulp and gum tissue. According to Dr. Morgan Smith, a family Utah dentist, failure to remove an infected tooth can lead to a serious infection in the jawbone. After an infected tooth is removed from the mouth, patients often require antibiotics to destroy bacteria.

How to prepare for a Tooth Extraction

Emergency tooth extractions due to fractures are available at family dental offices or hospitals. Getting assistance as fast as possible can help a patient to avoid pain or infection in gum tissue. For a scheduled extraction, a dentist will instruct a patient how to prepare such as not consuming a meal before the procedure or taking antibiotics to avoid an infection.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

Articles: 1079

One comment

  1. It did catch my attention when you talked about how you should consider tooth extraction if you’re experiencing toothache due to dental decay to make sure that dental pulp and gum tissues are going to be prevented. My son has been experiencing throbbing pain in his teeth, and it’s important for me to help him to be pain-free. I will be sure to consider tooth extraction for him.

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