Tips to Advance Your Nursing Career to the Next Level

Nursing is one of the oldest and one of the most integral occupations in the healthcare system. A career path that has been around for centuries and will continue to be relevant in the future. Many may imagine nursing merely about taking care of patients and working alongside doctors, but it's much more than that. Since its inception with Florence Nightingale, nursing has evolved immensely, and nurses now play a vital role in delivering better patient care. They've played a crucial role in making the healthcare system more patient-centric and optimizing care to all patient populations. However, to ensure that nurses keep administering even better care to their clients, it's essential to keep evolving.

Advance Your Nursing Career

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Unfortunately, during COVID, millions of nurses worldwide have chosen to sit this time out and stay home. Though their decision is understandable, the healthcare industry is now facing issues due to the lack of trained nurses. If you are a nurse working during the COVID pandemic, this would be the perfect time to advance and grow your career. With market competition being at an all-time low, this would be the ideal time to advance your nursing career to the next level.

Here are a few tips to advance your career.

  1. Further Education

Though it may seem like a daunting task to pursue your studies alongside your current practice, it might prove to be one of the most rewarding decisions of your life. Not only does studying for a terminal degree educate you to work better, but it could open doors to your future career success.
A terminal degree in nursing is the highest standard of education in the field. It includes degrees, such as DNP's, PhDs, etc. Because it is the highest standard, a terminal degree in nursing might help advance your career and open new doors that you might have never imagined. It would be the best time to pursue your higher education as online facilities have made attaining a terminal degree considerably more manageable.

A DNP certification on your CV would most certainly influence a healthcare facility's management to consider you for promotions or new ventures. On the other hand, if you want to take your career in a different direction you could pursue an MHA degree.

  1. Polish Your Bedside Manner

Doctors don't spend nearly as much time with patients as nurses do. Doctors pop in for a visit a couple of times in the day to make sure everything is okay. Nurses spend the majority of their time tending to patients and watching over them throughout their shifts.
Because nurses spend a significant amount of time with the patients, it's vital to maintain the highest standard of bedside manner. Politeness, comfort, and empathy can go a long way in advancing a nurse's career. Because they are in charge of observing and recovering the patient, charming and warm personalities are encouraged to ensure that you give the patient room to recover in a friendly and nurturing environment.

Chances are you aren't going to recover as well if a dreaded nurse is rough in administration and uncouth in their demeanor with you.

  1. Meet the Physical Requirements of the Job

Society rarely talks about how physically demanding the nursing profession is. Constant pacing of the halls, frequently having to climb and descend stairs, and stand for countless hours. A barely able nurse isn't going to go far in their career if they aren't prepared to handle the physical demands of the job at hand. Fitness is encouraged in the nursing sector, and failure to meet the requirements can result in upper management warnings.

Therefore, if you are looking to advance in your career, consider working on your cardio and endurance to meet the job demands. Doing so will prove that you have what it takes to tackle the grueling hours and constant activity that the job requires.

  1. Diversify

It is common to see nurses working part-time in other places after finishing their primary shifts in the hospital. Younger nurses have greater physical and mental endurance to tackle two jobs. Thus, they can find it easier to diversify. For example, after their major shift, spending some time in the local hospice or psychiatric facility could prove beneficial. Not only will it give them some additional money at the end of the month, but it would give them a diverse skill set that they can use to advance in their career. Nursing has many specializations and sub-categories, and working in different areas helps you become a more well-rounded nurse.

Though it may seem physically demanding, and rightfully so, pulling a double shift for a year or so could greatly benefit your career and make for a diverse skill-set. When you gain experience working in a wide range of settings, you can further take your nursing career.

  1. Stay Social

Networking is one of the most common ways to pursue new career opportunities in your field. There is always someone who can help you out, as long as you know the right people in the industry.
If you are great at making and keeping friends, you might see some positive advancement in your future career. Keep in touch with people; you never know where they might be able to help you out or vice-versa.

If you lack in the social department, consider leadership and extroversive training to help develop and keep your social relationships. It may seem irrelevant at first, but nearly half of all jobs attained are through peer-recommendations. Furthermore, leadership training can prove monumental if you intend on assuming the role of a nurse leader. It can prepare you to lead teams and pioneer change better.


COVID-19 has proved just how essential nursing practice is to the medical health sector. Without the nurses and paramedical staff working in our societies, the death toll might have been considerably higher than it currently is. It's high time we start giving nurses the credit they deserve and holding them in the same esteem that we hold doctors.

For nurses looking to advance their career opportunities, now would be the perfect time to do whatever you can to set yourself apart from the rest and advance in your career. The tips mentioned in this article are in no way a sure shot, but they might just set you on the right path. Consider some of these tips and work with the ones that suit you best. After all, career advancement is a very personal struggle.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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