10 Common Supplement-Buying Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Do you ever question if your supplements are doing what they're supposed to? Is your immune system really feeling better? Have you seen any type of improvement in your skin health?

Before you throw away the bottle, the problem might not be the pills or gummies you purchased. You might have just made some common supplement-buying mistakes. Not all of them are the same, and there is a significant difference in quality between brands and manufacturers.

10 Common Supplement-Buying Mistakes

So how are you expected to know which ones to put in your shopping basket and what supplements to ignore? If you can avoid these popular mistakes, then you'll start feeling better immediately.

1. Purchasing the Cheapest Product Is a Supplement-Buying Mistake

There's an old saying that you get what you pay for, and this is true when it comes to supplements. While the cost of the product doesn't guarantee a quality item, there are good reasons why you're paying top dollar for something that improves your health and wellbeing.

So while it's tempting to grab the discount supplements on shelves, there's a high probability you won't achieve the goals you're aiming for. Price shouldn't be your only consideration when buying these products, but it should be in the conversation.

2. Purchasing Supplements With Synthetic Products

Synthetic supplements help keep the price down. However, they're not made of natural ingredients and therefore don't provide the same health benefits. They're only designed to mimic the real thing.

Your body can tell the difference between the real thing and a chemically produced alternative. It will do everything it can to rid your body of anything artificial. If you want benefits that come from whole foods and vitamins, then stick to the real deal.

3. Not Knowing Where the Ingredients Came From

It should be clear on the label or on the website's product page where the ingredients for your supplements come from. You have a right to know if they are organic, ethically harvested, and come from a quality producer that's respected in the field.

If you can't find this information anywhere, then this is often a sign that the manufacturer has something to hide. It could also mean what they're advertising is not included in the ingredients. Either way, you should avoid handing over money for these products.

4. Ignoring Expert Formulation Advice

Creating supplements is more than just throwing several ingredients into a bowl and mixing well. It takes a lot of skill and expertise to extract the right elements that will produce the desired effects of ingesting them. Some techniques go back generations and are still followed precisely today.

If the combination of ingredients looks unusual, it's probably because it is. Do your research to ensure that what you're putting into your body is going to create a harmony and not a civil war between your organs. Also, be sure they're using the right compounds and not going for quantity over quality.

5. Missing Fermentation Labels on Products

While many people might not take notice of fermentation information on supplements, there are several health benefits that come from using this technique. Particularly because it can unlock elements from the individual ingredients that aren't able to get enhanced using other methods.

Fermenting herbs and superfoods can unlock nutrients and compounds. It also makes wholefood items easier to digest and absorb in your body. Don't instantly disregard a supplement bottle that highlights fermentation practices as it might just unlock benefits that you aren't aware of.

6. Getting Products With Binders and Excipients

Binders and excipients get added to supplements to unite all of the ingredients together for tablet forms. While this seems like an admirable trait, they're often made of additives that are unnatural and damage the product's integrity. Especially if they're made for substances such as magnesium stearate or stearic acid.

These additives get used to speed up the process of producing supplements and stop them from attaching to the mechanical equipment. It does this by becoming a thick, lubricating, antifoaming product.

It's safe to digest in small doses, but there are reports of some health issues related to these additives. Most notably, magnesium byproducts are linked to decreased intestinal absorption, suppressed T-cells, and exposure to formaldehyde. So think twice about whether this is worth the risk to your long-term health or not.

7. Not Reading Online Customer Reviews

A lot of people use supplements, probably for the same reasons that you do. So isn't it worth seeing if the products you're looking to add to your cart are working for these people as well? It just might give you more peace of mind instead of waiting and wondering if anything is going to happen.

Start by seeing if the website has any references or testimonials. While many of these reviews might be hand-picked, it helps point you in the right direction.

Continue your research by visiting the Better Business Bureau and see if there are any serious complaints. You can also swing by Google My Business to learn more about reputable supplement websites and what customers are saying about them.

You should see if customers are satisfied with their purchases and had the desired results. If they didn't, you should find out how the company handled this and if the refund process was simple or difficult. While you may not get complete certainty from online reviews, you'll get a gauge from reading multiple testimonials if you should do business with a company.

8. Going With the Latest Online Trends

Every day it feels like there's a new health trend that the world needs to jump on. However, there's never a guarantee that these fads will deliver on the promises that it highlights. Even if several online experts swear their life on it.

Before you start investing your life-savings in these fads, check with a medical professional or nutritionist that these items are beneficial for your health goals. You should also question the evidence provided and discuss whether you can expect the same results with your doctor. If you can't get the certainty that you need, then you should stick to the products you know and trust already.

9. Not Ordering Certified Products

Most manufacturers can lay claim to using the highest quality products and the safest methods to produce supplements. However, it's always best to get a neutral opinion so that there's no room for bias. This is where certifications can make a difference to a product.

Some businesses go out of their way to invest in certification and prove their products are what they say they are. When you're looking for credentials on a bottle or product site, search for USDA Organic and NFS International, as these abide by the FDA's Good Manufacturing Practices.

These manufacturers are subject to yearly audits where the products and processes are tested and given the stamp of approval. This provides you with verification that you're purchasing the right items, and they're safe to consume.

10. Buying Sweetened and Flavor-Enhanced Products

Even though a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, it's not always beneficial for supplements. Even natural sweeteners can cause issues with your digestive system. This may end up doing the reverse of what you're using supplements to treat.

Some ingredients you should avoid are maltitol, erythritol, sorbitol, and xylitol. These are sugar alcohols and are known to upset the stomach when consuming supplements. If they contain minimal amounts, double-check with a medical professional before you purchase them to ensure your body can handle it.

Many people consume popular gummy vitamins that provide the necessary nutrients similar to tablets and powders. However, you should always check the labelling to understand how much sugar is in these items. Especially if they're using artificial sweeteners as some of these are harmful.

Anything higher than four grams of sugar is not generally recommended. But for certainty, speak to a nutritionist about the ingredients, so you're confident that the supplements won't do more harm than good.

Do You Need Trusted Health Advice?

It's important that you're aware of what you're putting into your body. If you're consuming vitamins for a health condition or simply to live a better life, then avoiding these common supplement-buying mistakes will give you a higher chance of achieving these goals.

You no longer need to put your faith in Dr. Google. That's because we provide a place for all medical professionals to share helpful advice with anyone looking to improve their health and wellbeing. If you require some tips for staying healthy, then make sure to follow our blog for all of the best guidance.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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