Leishmaniasis: Everything You Should Know

Leishmaniasis is one of the parasitic diseases that are caused by the deadly parasite, known as, leishmania. This parasite is known to live within infected sand flies. You might get this deadly disease if you are bitten by an infected sand fly. The sand flies, which are responsible for carrying this parasite is known to reside in subtropical and tropical environments.

Fatal epidemics associated with leishmaniasis have already occurred in areas like South America, East Africa, and Asia. Doctors are responsible for terming this disease as one of the most unwanted and dangerous tropical diseases. According to https://www.healthline.com, people having a weak immune system can also get infected.


Different types of leishmaniasis

Leishmaniasis is responsible for coming in 3 dangerous forms: mucocutaneous, visceral, and cutaneous. Several species of the parasite are associated with all the forms that have been mentioned above. According to different experts, there are around 20 species of leishmania, which are capable of transmitting diseases to humans.

Cutaneous leishmaniasis

This is responsible for causing ulcers on the skin. This is one of the most common types of leishmaniasis. Treatment may or may not be necessary but proper treatment can indeed help in preventing complications and also speed up the process of healing.

Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis

This is an extremely rare form of leishmaniasis. This disease is normally caused by cutaneous leishmaniasis parasite and is responsible for occurring months after ulcers on the skin have started healing. With this kind of leishmaniasis, the parasites can start spreading to the mouth, nose, and throat. This can be responsible for the complete or partial destruction of mucous membranes. This disease is serious and requires immediate treatment.

Visceral leishmaniasis

Visceral leishmaniasis is also known as Kala-azar or systemic leishmaniasis. This is responsible for occurring after 2 or 8 months after an infected sand fly has bitten you. This is responsible for damaging the internal organs, which include the liver and spleen. It is responsible for affecting the bone marrow as well. This condition is undoubtedly the most dangerous if it is not treated.

What is responsible for causing leishmaniasis?

A person can get leishmaniasis if an infected sand fly bites him. The parasite is responsible for living as well as multiplying inside female sand flies. This insect is active in humid environments particularly from dusk to dawn. Domestic animals, like dogs, are responsible for serving as the reservoirs of this parasite. Transmission can occur from one animal to a sand fly to the humans. Humans are also responsible for transmitting this parasite through blood transfusion and shared needles. In certain parts of the world, the transmission can take place from one human to a sand fly to another human.


The very first method of treating leishmaniasis is by conducting several blood tests. Important pieces of equipment, like the biosafety cabinet, are used. Apart from that, antiparasitic drugs, like amphotericin b, are used for treating this condition. Doctors can also suggest other treatments based on the kind of leishmaniasis that an individual has.


Leishmaniasis can be extremely harmful if you are not taking care properly. Make sure that you know all about the disease so that you can get proper treatment when necessary.

About the Author: Anthony Karen is a health expert who has been running many health seminars and public discussions. She also manages her blog and reviews the health-related details provided by authentic sources.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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