Around one and a half million people die every year from alcohol poisoning. People are unaware of this fact that alcohol is extremely addictive. It causes dopamine in which patient’s brain feel more relaxed and happy. It reduces your ability to understand things and face the problems and difficulties of life.
Excessive drinking alcohol can have negative impacts on your brain and body. It affects one of the most sensitive parts of the brain called the cerebellum, chemicals present in liquor can control the user’s emotions and memory.
Alcohol enables a patient’s body to release an extra amount of endorphins and serotonin, which are responsible for regulating a patient’s senses of happiness and relaxation.
1. Why Alcohol Is Toxic
When an alcohol addict consumes it, he kills his body cells. Its excessive use has a direct effect on the brain and heart. It can lead to stroke, heart failure, high blood pressure, and alcoholic cardiomyopathy. Drinking more than two drinks in a day can put more fats into the circulation.
According to cancer research, consuming too much alcohol is one of the most common factors of cancer. It increases the risk of breast cancer from 8 to 13%.
2. How People Become Drug Addict
There are many reasons which play an essential role to become a person drug addict. Here are some significant reasons including to get escape from family pressure and responsibilities, young people consume alcohol to do new experiments, and sometimes when a person feels depressed and aggressive.
A drug addict feels like to consume alcohol is the only way to get rid of his problems and responsibilities. After drinking it, he feels free, relaxed, and happy.
3. Overcome Drug Addiction
Although it is difficult to overcome drug addiction, it is not impossible. The first and most difficult step is to make your mind that you want to change your habit of drinking.
- Start this treatment with recognition. First of all, identify your addiction habit and then think about why you want to get rid of this toxic habit. Tell your life goals to yourself, show some love for your family, and think about your responsibilities. These things will help you to overcome your addiction.
- Speak openly about your problem: Most drug addicts feel ashamed to share their issues with others. The only way they find to get relief from their family and financial problems is to become drug addicts. After consuming alcohol, they feel stress-free and happy. If you’re a drug addict and start to share your issues with other family members and friends, they will give you a solution to your problems.
- Treatment: It is not easy to stop drinking after becoming a drug addict. You need proper treatment. For this purpose, you can ask your friends and family to help you to overcome alcohol abuse.
4. Rehabilitation Centers
If you are 100% sure that you are firm in your decision to overcome your habit, then you should admit yourself in a rehab center. Before entering an alcohol rehabilitation center, a drug addict may have to undergo alcohol detox treatment. It is a process in which a drug addict purges his body from waste products.
These rehab centers helping patients to heal and return to a healthier and happier life. They highly monitor their patients and give them proper treatment to get them back towards a healthy life.
Nice post Very important and very good