Challenges that Face the Healthcare Industry

Technology and medical innovations have produced big changes in service delivery. However, society is just beginning to experience the beginning phases of the process. Although technology promises to modify the service delivery in healthcare for good, it will be a while before the development reaches its full potential.

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Here are the challenges that the healthcare industry is facing:

Protecting Devices that Guard Public Health

Many of the technology advances in healthcare integrate internet connectivity. However, this means that computer hackers will also be able to access healthcare information. As cyber attacks increase, hackers will be able to deliver lethal drug doses.

This means that whether you are looking for southern California ENTsor Warmuth Institute fat freezing experts, for instance, you should be wary of hackers. The medical community needs to borrow some practices from more secure industries such as banking organizations.

Information and Service Integration

Although the medical field accepts big data easily, it does not implement it fluidly. Non-relational databases can be used to merge patient info from numerous sources thus providing actionable metrics. Conventionally, doctors utilize relational databases to gather and get patient info.

The problem with this system is that relational databases cannot be used to manage amorphous info such as transcripts. A very small number of care providers have successfully made the switch to non-relational databases with electronic health records.

Additionally, most organizations using non-relational databases are financially capable and big.

This technology helps providers to identify traits that were lost once recorded. When these details are easy to access, equipment and drug manufacturers obtain some better insight into the use of medical products by patients. Moreover, primary physicians can find more information that helps in treating current patients.

This means that if you are looking into weight loss procedures that will help you fit into outfits, your information will be easier to access. Due to limited access to patient info, most drug companies misuse resources on research and these expenses are passed onto the patients. Educating patients on the benefits of information sharing makes them more willing to share their medical records.

Effective Payment Model Discovery

To increase service quality and reduce costs, benefactors and insurers are instituting new payment models. In these models, the financial incentives center on patient outcomes instead of service quantity. The newer models have incentives such as:

  • Shared savings
  • Bundled payments
  • Global payments
  • Disbursements to patient-oriented care providers

The medical community blames the way insurance companies disburse funds for the high cost of healthcare in the US. Since insurers pay for services rendered, most patient advocates think that old payment models incentivize the delivery of quantity over quality. Moreover, because providers receive funds directly, they do not have any reason to collaborate with others.

New models of payments seek to alleviate these problems thus decreasing cost and improving patient outcomes.

Search for a Win-win Result with Pharmaceuticals

Win Win with Pharmaceuticals

Insurers and patients join in complaining that the price of drugs has grown exorbitantly. On the other hand, drug manufacturers claim that lower prices will affect product development. These two groups are always fighting to find a pricing consensus as the patients try to comprehend the rising medication cost.

Thanks to increased pressure from the government, drug manufacturers must substantiate their prices. However, numerous factors contribute to the challenge of fair drug pricing. Several groups have decided to monitor and evaluate pharmaceutical pricing traits such as toxicity and effectiveness. This data helps insurance providers to lower the cost of prescriptions.


The above healthcare challenges make it expensive. With the increasing use of technology in healthcare, you should expect to see more changes.

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Author’s Bio: Judy Lees is a super-connector with AYC Web Solutions who helps businesses find their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. She frequently writes about the latest advancements in digital marketing and focuses her efforts on developing customized blogger outreach plans depending on the industry and competition.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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