What to do for Joint Pain that Works

Joint pain can be very difficult for a person to live with no matter the cause of pain or its intensity. After all, joints are used thousands of times a day to perform normal functions. Therefore, when joints become painful and often swollen, completing even the smallest task can be difficult or even impossible. Because of this, people want to know what to do for joint pain that actually works. In this article, we wanted to take the opportunity to provide key information of things that are beneficial.

Keep in mind that in searching what to do for joint pain, an individual should consider seeing a doctor first. The reason is that pain of all types could be a symptom of something serious happening within the body. Only with an examination and necessary testing could the underlying cause be determined at which time the doctor would have a clear understanding of how severe the problem is.

As far as what to do for joint pain, an individual could consider a variety of options for both conventional and alternative medicine. Because of this, we listed highly effective options for both categories.

Conventional Medicine

  • Prescription Medication – There are certain minor injuries and illnesses that would respond favorably to prescription medication. This could consist of a person taking a pain reliever but also anti-inflammatory medication.
  • Physical Therapy – In many cases, physical therapy would help reduce or eliminate joint pain. Regarding what to do for joint pain as far as therapy options, this would be determined by a licensed therapist. However, physical therapy typically involves treatments that loosen tight ligaments, strengthen muscles, and stabilize joints. By taking this approach, pain relief is usually substantial.
  • Device Support – For pain associated with knees and elbows, there are many different devices that could provide support while the body heals. In addition to these devices providing needed support, they would also keep the involved joint immobile.
  • Surgery – Of course, when considering what to do for joint pain, surgery should always be a last resort. Although there are a number of non-invasive surgical procedures available today, these too would be considered after less dramatic treatments were tried. If joint pain were the result of bone, cartilage, or ligament disease, or a major injury to the joint, undergoing a more conventional type of surgery would be likely.
  •  Stem Cell – One of the newest and most innovative solutions a person trying to figure out what to do for joint pain might be a candidate for involves using original stem cells. Through multiple studies, clinical trials, and actual patient results, this non-surgical treatment has been shown to work incredibly well for someone living with moderate to severe pain of joints, as well as bones, tendons, and ligaments for both injuries and diseases.

Alternative Medicine

  • Nutritional Supplements – For many people who want answers regarding what to do for joint pain, taking prescription medication is not a viable option. In this case, certain nutritional supplements would be a great alternative. Two of the best supplements include chondroitin and glucosamine. While chondroitin is naturally produced by the body to keep joints lubricated and flexible, a deficiency would need to be corrected. As far as glucosamine, it has been shown this supplement promotes new cartilage growth but also provides restoration to damaged cartilage.
  • Rest – There are certain injuries and even diseases that cause joint pain that would benefit from rest. Sometimes, the affected joint becomes irritated and swollen, which leads to pain so by allowing the joint to rest and remain inactive, both irritation and inflammation would subside along with pain.
  • Cold Compress – As stated above, inflammation can cause pain to intensify so applying a cold compress for about 20 minutes several times a day would reduce swelling and provide relief from pain
  • Exercises – Often, people searching what to do for joint pain shy away from exercise. Unfortunately, a common misconception is that exercise would only aggravate the joint and therefore, make pain worse. It is true that an individual should not perform just any exercise but there are tremendous benefits when doing the right exercises. As far as what to do for joint pain specific to exercises, the goal is not just choosing the right exercises, but also making sure each movement performed is precise and slow.

I hope this information on what to do for joint pain helps you with your condition.

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Andy Terry
Andy Terry

I run a company that supplies people products and solutions for joint pain and many other medical conditions. We have primarily helped the older generation who are most in need of assistance. However we have clients in their 20s and 30s looking for solutions to resolve joint pain in particular.

Articles: 1


  1. Great post! SAMe might also be a good choice for those who are considering supplements. Since SAMe plays a role in supporting the cartilage matrix production and may help maintaining the effectiveness of proteoglycans that are critical for lubrication of joints. If someone’s SAMe levels are low this supplement may be an option to improve joint health.

  2. This isnt a home remedy but it is all natural. Its topical so you dont have to swallow any pills or nasty tasting things. Its the only thing that has helped me, EVER! I have had knee pain so severe for years. My dr. says there is nothing we can do until i decide to go for a total knee replacement. Ive tried pills, ointments, exercises, cortisone shots, even arthroscopy. It was so severe i couldnt step off a curb in a parking lot. Then a friend had this stuff and let me try it. I cant remember the name cuz im at work now and dont have it with me, but they tag it as “Magic Juice, the Miracle in a Bottle!” Its amazing!!! It takes my pain away immediately and stays gone for hours and hours. The phone number for it was 4079824051. I keep that phone in all of my contacts lists as one of my most important numbers! Ive reordered several times! Its a clear liquid in a bottle that doesnt even leave a sticky or greasy residue. Ill never use anything else again. Ive used it on muscle pain too, and it works just as good for that! It really ended up being magical and a miracle to me. Good luck with your pain and relief.

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