Various Types of Yeast Infections and How To Identify Them

A Problem Affecting More People than You Think…

When the average person hears the word yeast infection, they typically think of a female issue such as getting yeast infections or vaginitis. Many people don’t realize that a yeast infection can occur in a variety of places throughout the body in both men, women, and even children.

How do I Contract Candida Albicans and How to Prevent it?

A yeast infection occurs when the body experiences a change or imbalance.

We all have yeast in our body, we commonly hear as Candida albicans. The Candida does not typically cause a problem within our body unless an imbalance occurs, providing a breeding ground for the yeast to grow. When the Candida grows, it turns into a yeast infection.

We have Candida in various areas of our body, especially the mucous membranes of the genital region, the mouth, as well as the skin and even inside our stomach and the intestines. This gives the yeast numerous places to grow and thrive, provided the environment be right.

About Women

A vaginal yeast infection is the most known type of yeast infection. This happens when the yeast grows out of control in the vaginal area causing various symptoms including a thick white discharge, a burning sensation while urinating, irritation and problematic itching that will not subside.

Approximately 75% of women experience a vaginal yeast infection some time in their life, making this the most common type of yeast infection. The symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection are much the same as of various STDs such as gonorrhea and chlamydia, so it may be imperative that you see your doctor to make sure that you are experiencing a yeast infection and not something more serious.

Men too?!

And YES, men too can develop a yeast infection in the genital area, and can many a times contract it from an infected female during intercourse. When a male has a yeast infection, he will most likely experience the same types of symptoms on or inside of his penis along with patchy red colored sores around the head of the penis.

In Various Forms and Shape…

A yeast infection can also occur in the mouth area, and when this happens, it is typically known as oral thrush. When oral thrush occurs, you may notice white bumps or patchy spots inside the mouth and throat, these patches might bleed slightly if they are rubbed accidentally. These white spots may also become painful. The person suffering from the infection might notice a loss of taste and a cotton-like feeling in the mouth, along with dry cracked skin in the corners of their mouth. If oral thrush is not taken care of quickly, the infection can spread to the throat and esophagus causing more problems such as pain and difficulty eating or drinking.

The intestines are another place where a yeast infection can occur in the body. There are literally hundreds of enzymes and bacteria inside of the intestines. These bacteria and enzymes are vital to proper digestion and break down of the food that you consume. One of the many types of enzymes within your intestines is Candida.

When a person eats a healthy diet, the Candida will typically stay at bay and not cause a problem, however when a person consumes a lot of junk foods that contain high quantity of carbohydrates, sugars, and fats, the intestines become the perfect place for the Candida to grow and thrive, developing into a yeast infection. When a person has a yeast infection of the intestinal tract or colon, they may experience symptoms such as cramping, bloating, diarrhea, impotence, a weakened immune system, memory loss, and increased fatigue especially after eating; these can all be signs of an infection.

An intestinal yeast infection can be difficult to diagnose, especially because the symptoms it presents can also be a symptom of a variety of other ailments. Most likely, a physician will need to run a blood test to give a definitive diagnoses of an intestinal yeast infection.

But… What About my Children?

Babies can develop a yeast infection in the form of a genital yeast infection or diaper rash. When this happens, there will be sores around the baby’s genitals or buttocks that may be red or pus-filled, dry, or scaly. If a diaper rash is indeed caused by yeast, the symptoms most likely will not disappear after a day or two of treatment.

A baby can develop a diaper rash for a variety of reasons. A yeast infection can appear in the folds of the skin, where the skin is especially warm and moist making the perfect growing environment for yeast. Other reasons for a yeast infection may include if a baby is not properly cleansed and dried, or if a wet diaper is left on the baby for any long length of time. Babies are especially susceptible to developing a yeast infection due to their weakened immune systems.

A baby can also develop oral thrush having the same symptoms as an older child or an adult would. Oral thrush can cause a baby to be especially irritable and have trouble nursing. If the baby is breast feeding, the yeast infection can transfer to the mother’s nipples. When this happens, the mother may experience unusual pain during feedings, redness around the nipple area, itchiness, flaky skin, and a stabbing pain deep within the breast.

If the yeast infection is not taken care of, the mother and baby will continue to pass the infection back and forth to one another.

And Now, What to Do?

As you can see, there are numerous types of yeast infections that can occur in various parts of the body.

Typically, these yeast infections can be treated with over-the-counter anti-fungal creams or ointments. If over-the-counter or homemade remedies do not work to get rid of the yeast infection, a doctor will need to take a look at the infection and prescribe a medication such as an oral antibiotic, or a prescription strength cream.

If a yeast infection is not taken care of, it will continue to grow and can cause more serious problems. There may sometimes be an underlying problem behind a yeast infection such as a lowered immune system or even diabetes.

One thing to keep in mind is that you should always be sure that it is a yeast infection before you begin treating it as a yeast infection. Sometimes, the symptoms of a yeast infection may be confused with symptoms of something that will require a different type of treatment.

Hence, it is always wise to consult your physician if you or your loved ones seem to have any of the symptoms mentioned above, and particularly if they are not resolved with over-the-counter or home remedies.

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Amanda Smith
Amanda Smith

Amanda Smith is a freelance writer. This passionate young mother likes to write about various topics, but mostly health related issues like yeast infections and heartburn.

Articles: 1


  1. When my kids or I develop a yeast infection we use organic virgin coconut oil to soothe the itch and the burning sensation. On my baby I also apply it to prevent diaper rash. It works well. A healthy immune system is always key in the prevention of most kind of diseases so we also try our best to stay healthy in our family.

  2. […] of your skin which may permit an infection to start or worsen. Some recommend just plain water and perhaps a mild soap and others suggest using a weak solution of apple cider vinegar with the water to help restore a […]

  3. A few of us aren’t aware of what yeast infection is and how it can affect us. There are yeast infection treatments that can be done at home but if you aren’t comfortable with that, you can surely ask a professional.

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