Tips for a Healthier and Brighter Complexion

There are a number of products on the market which promise to tackle an array of skin problems, such as acne and uneven skin one. Yet, it is hard to sort through which ones will help you, and which ones will make it worse. Following the call of a great advertisement will only get you so far, and you don’t want to keep throwing money down the drain on products that aren’t suited to your skin type. To help you achieve healthier, glowing skin, follow his comprehensive guide, which will act as a guiding light on your quest for a brighter complexion.

Healthier Complexion Blog Post

Treat any underlying skin conditions

If you have had problem skin for a long time, or if it is becoming painful to touch, then you should solve any skin conditions before you start any skincare regime. A lot of people suffer from acne, scarring, and rosacea, which affects the blood vessels in the skin to cause redness. Having tests carried out will help you identify the root cause so that medical professionals can point you in the right direction. Popular treatments involve taking tablets for acne, and Mirvasa gel, which calms redness. You can compare the best prices of products at Health Pricer, so you don’t have to break the bank for good skin.

Know your skin type

Lots of people use certain products on their skin when it is not suited to their skin type. This could be making it more oily or making you break-out in spots more often. Luckily, you can find out which skin type yours is by determining it through an online test or making a trip to a dermatologist. The common skin types are oily, dry, sensitive and combination skin; the important thing here is to be honest with yourself so that you can go on to make the right changes for you.

Don’t use harsh chemicals

Popular skincare products will often contain a list of ingredients that is long and winding, with some only being able to be made in a laboratory. In some cases, these chemicals can be too harsh for use on your skin type, and although they may be making your skin feel better, they could be affecting its overall health and increasing dependency. Many experts suggest going natural, by using softer ingredients to minimize pores and increase skin elasticity. You could even make your own products, so you know exactly what is going into them.

Choose the right products to suit you

Once you have cut out harsh chemicals, you can focus on choosing products which will work with your skin, instead of against it. If your problem area is acne, then you won’t need any comedogenic products, which block the pores and increase the chance of irritation. Similarly, people with oily skin shouldn’t be working to add moisture to their skin, just as people with dry skin shouldn’t be trying to mattify theirs.

Eat a balanced diet

Often, the key to a glowing complexion is to start from within, with a balanced diet. Junk food and sugary drinks are linked to bad skin reactions, which can be avoided by eating foods rich in anti-oxidants. These can be found mostly in blueberries and pomegranates, and Vitamin C is found in oranges.

Drink lots of water

Eating a balanced diet will only help you so much, as the effects of this will be depleted if you are not drinking enough water. Water adds moisture to the skin and helps detox it from any impurities, which often leads to a glowing complexion. If you stick to your recommended water intake for each day, you should see a difference in a few days.

Monitor your sun exposure

Exposing your skin to the sun can do it a world of good, as this is one of the only ways you can get a healthy dose of Vitamin D. However, too much sun can be a bad thing, and can even lead to skin cancer in people who have an increased sensitivity to light. If you have a fair complexion, and even if you don’t, it is wise to apply a small amount of sunscreen to your face every day, which will protect it from harmful rays. For times when you are in high heat, keep an eye on the UVB rating using an app on your phone, and stay out of the sun at peak times. Having a tan at a quick rate is not worth it when health complications arise, and it is worth remembering that a tan is still a sign of sun damage.

Let natural air inside

If you work inside or spend a lot of time indoors, you can increase congestion on your face, which can lead to oiliness and more spots. Also, if you are living in a city, pollution from cars will also be having a similar effect. Occasionally, make a short trip to the countryside, or open the windows in your house to let the air flow through, and you may see a change in your skin.

Consider facials

Sometimes, you may feel at a loss when everything you have tried seems to not be working. If you can afford it, go and see a dermatologist to perform a facial on you, which can range anywhere from light facials to collagen masks, and will make a marked difference on your skin.

Keep stress levels low

Alongside an unhealthy diet, stress is one of the leading causes of bad skin. Ironically, the worse your skin is, the more stressed you will become, which can lead people in a toxic cycle. Focusing on tackling your stress from within will prevent break-outs, and lead to a calmer lifestyle.

Get enough sleep

Where too much sleep can lead to congestion of the skin, a lack of sleep can cause your skin to look gray and lifeless. If you want your skin to look as if it is full of life, then you should start a healthy sleep routine, which will eventually lower stress levels after a short amount of time.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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