5 Cosmetic Treatments that Can Rejuvenate Your Body

Sixty is often regarded as the new 40 today. A healthy lifestyle can make people hit middle age much later. Even though someone is retired that does not necessarily mean he/she has to look his/her age. However, the healthy living alone is often not enough. If you want to enjoy your retirement to the fullest whilst still looking younger, you should consider some cosmetic treatments alike. Read on to find out about these treatment options.

Cosmetic Treatment Blog Post

1. eMatrix

By means of bipolar radiofrequency, this cosmetic treatment can rejuvenate the skin without using any lasers. The eMatrix actually stimulates collagen production by targeting the layer beneath the skin surface. While removing the wrinkles and fine lines, this treatment can tighten your skin and make it more uniform and smoother at the same time.

2. PicoWay Resolve

If you are inclined to spend a lot of time exposing yourself to the sun, it's highly likely that the sun damage signs (like dark spots) will appear on your skin. The PicoWay Resolve is a great solution to get rid of dark spots. This laser skin treatment targets the pigment accumulated in the dark spots by using the short quick bursts of laser thermal energy. This way the pigment gets broken into tiny particles the body can easily eliminate.

3. Laser Hair Removal

When talking about laser hair removal, most people think of a treatment that can enlarge some areas of their body such as the chest, legs, or back. In fact, this cosmetic treatment is an excellent option for women to remove displeasing facial hair from the chin and/or upper lip. That results in a smoother, younger look.

4. Vein Removal Treatment

Elderly people are frequently subject to red facial veins as well as varicose and spider veins on other body areas. This cosmetic and health issue tends to appear with age. Fortunately, there's a broad range of treatments which can lessen those bothersome veins. The GentleMax Pro is one of the most popular and most effective vein removal treatment options that can be used for all skin types and tones. It combines different kinds of lasers with the cooling components which make you feel comfortable and cool during the procedure.

5. Laser Skin Resurfacing

Basically, this skin rejuvenation method removes the thin layer of flaky, dead skin, as well as any dirt and debris piled up on the skin surface. Additionally, it triggers the production of collagen in the deep skin layers and thus stimulates the skin to heal and rejuvenate naturally on its own. Who is a good candidate for this cosmetic treatment? All those who are experiencing the sun damage, acne scars, wrinkles, lines, or stretch marks may consider subjecting to the laser skin resurfacing. This treatment is also beneficial for uneven texture and tone of the skin.

In addition to these 5 treatments, there are also many other surgical and non-surgical techniques that can improve your look take a few years off your body. Click here and find out more.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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