Tips For Starting A Health Kick After You’ve Been Slacking

It’s not easy to get back in your groove once you’ve fallen off track. However, that’s not to say it isn’t impossible to do. All you need is a little motivation and stamina. You’ll slowly start to feel better and wonder why you didn’t get yourself in gear sooner.

Keep in mind that it’s never too late to start again and improve your wellbeing. You’ll quickly recognize all the benefits that come with doing so. You should make a commitment to yourself that you want to feel better and live a long, healthy life. There’s no better time to take action than right now.

Health Kick after Slacking Blog

Create A Priority List

Your life is busy and full of responsibilities, and this may be why you’re not taking care of yourself in the first place. While there are a lot of important tasks to get done each day, you need to start ranking them in order of significance. Start putting yourself at the top of the list and notice how fast your life begins to improve for the better. Make exercise, eating healthy and getting good sleep priorities and stop letting other distractions get in the way of your wellness plan.

Design A Vision Board

It’s intimidating to pick yourself off the couch and say you want to look or be a particular way again. There’s not a lot of hope or motivation when you’ve slipped into an unhealthy lifestyle and are overly comfortable in your ways. Start your journey by designing a vision board and cutting out and highlighting all that you would like to be and more, as you work toward your health goals. You should include words, images and any other positive quotes that keep you on track.

Make Your Food Choices & Eating Healthy Easy On Yourself

You don’t have to know how to cook to eat healthier necessarily. Instead, use a food program that delivers freshly prepared meals right to your home. Use this keto menu to decide what looks appealing to you and add it to your order. You don’t even have to give up foods you love because they know how to make them great using healthy ingredients. Let them do the work for you, while you focus on eating their foods and losing the weight.

Talk To Others Who’ve Found Success

You don’t have to tackle your new health kick all alone. Ask for support from friends and family members and talk to other people who’ve been through or who are going through what you are now. Try to seek advice, engage in conversation and listen to tips you can use to help you on your journey. Another idea is to find a friend or trainer at the gym who understands what you’re going through and use them as a sounding board as you work on changing your life for the better. You’re going to have weak moments or times when you’re going to want to quit, and these people will be a helpful resource you can tap into when you’re feeling down.

Pick Out New Gym Clothes

A great way to get yourself in the mood to exercise by purchasing new gym clothes. You could have an outfit you’ll use now and buy another set that can be for wearing once you reach your goal weight. Having an incentive in the back of your mind is always a good way to get you to work harder. Buying attractive workout clothes which you can wear now will also boost your confidence while you’re in an in-between stage and don’t necessarily feel great about your body. Don’t feel bad about losing the weight and getting to wear your reward outfit because you can always donate the clothes that are too big for you when you no longer need them.

Focus On Unplugging More Often

Sitting and watching television isn’t going to help you get to a healthier place. You have to set goals, be active and participate in life. Unplug from your devices more often and focus on nourishing your mind, body and spirit. Too much slacking comes from being checked out and not caring about what you look like or what you’re doing to yourself by practicing poor habits. By getting away from your electronics, it will give you time to reflect and be with your own thoughts. You’ll likely realize you don’t like living the way you are and will want to change.

Give Yourself A Break

Remember that you’re human and you’re going to mess up. It’s time to stop making excuses and accept that you aren’t perfect. There will be days you oversleep and miss the gym, crave and eat unhealthy foods, and watch too much television, but it’s what you do after a slip up that matters. It’s vital that you get back up and try again. Don’t stay down for too long or you may creep back into your old ways. Let yourself make mistakes, but learn from them and do your best not to make the same ones repeatedly.

Find Physical Activities you Love

It won’t feel like exercise if you find activities you love to do! If you have a dog, then take him or her for long hikes, join an aerobics class at the gym that’s more social, or compete in running races. Spend your time participating in hobbies that make you feel good about yourself and inspired. This way you won’t be so focused on the fact that you’re working out because you’ll be engaged in whatever it is you’re doing. Your goal is to find what makes you happy and do more of it.

Everyone slacks once in a while, so don’t think you’re any different from the rest. What you have to do is recognize when you’ve been practising bad habits for too long and begin to change your ways. Take it one step at a time and make it easy on yourself by slowly immersing yourself into new and powerful behaviors that allow you to reach your goals. Stay hopeful and know that living a healthy lifestyle is ultimately up to you and no one else.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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