Is My Home Making Me Ill?

Your home should be your perfect place to relax after the stress of daily modern life. You spend time and energy (and money!) on creating your ideal sanctuary, but what if you find yourself suffering from headaches and dizziness while you’re trying to unwind? There could be various causes of why you may begin to feel unwell in your own home, however, there are two main factors within your home to see what could be causing you to feel unwell. These are your environment and the hazards within your environment, including the building itself to what’s inside.

Is My Home Making Me Ill Blog

Since we spend most of our time inside, whether that’s at home or the office, it’s vital to know the air we breathe is keeping us healthy. Often clean breathing air is taken for granted, but inside our own living space, we can be susceptible to airborne toxins we don’t think about. Inhaling these toxins can contribute to a variety of health complaints, ranging from allergic reactions, such as headaches and asthma, to more serious conditions, including respiratory ailments and heart disease.

The Causes:

From smoking and cleaning solutions to dust mites and paint fumes, toxins can live alongside us and cause a variety of health concerns for the whole household and visiting guests. One of the main sources that could be causing you to feel unwell at home could be inhaling airborne allergens and toxins. Inhaling toxins not only causes issues for your own health but for the health of your family and friends, with children and the elderly being more susceptible. Common symptoms can include headaches, nausea, suffering from dizziness, yet can be even worse in extreme cases. There are a wide variety of toxins that can be present within your home environment, some which you may not consider that may be making you feel unwell.


It’s no myth that smoking can cause serious health complaints, including lung cancer and heart disease. If you are, or you live with, a smoker, visitors and other members of the household can suffer from secondhand smoke inhalation. Secondhand smoke inhalation is now considered as harmful as smoking itself, whether the other person smokes or not. Not smoking inside can be one way to minimize the health impacts, as well as keeping the air and environment inside pleasant and smoke-free.


To create your perfect sanctuary, quite often there are many DIY jobs to get underway! From refreshing the paint scheme to knocking down walls, DIY can cause a variety of respiratory ailments. From the dust mites to the paint fumes, these can set off asthma attacks and allergy attacks. Some paints contain harmful substances such as mercury and lead. Lead is particularly dangerous for young children and pregnant women and can also be found in sources such as scented candles.

Mold & Mildew:

Mold spores naturally occur outdoors and can be brought into your home without you realizing. The spores can cause respiratory ailments, such as asthma, dizziness and headaches. Mildew is the mold that is found in damp areas, such as the bathroom. This, in turn, can also pose health concerns. While cleaning the mildew may be your number one plan of attack, when you begin to scrub the mildew, you are causing the toxins to become airborne.

Household Chemicals:

While we use cleaning solutions to ensure our home is free of bacteria and dirt, the chemicals found within the solutions can become airborne and contribute to you and your household feeling unwell. When strong bleach is used in a small room, it can cause eyes to water from the fumes, as well as dizziness and headaches. Keeping the room well ventilated while cleaning can help minimize the risk of an allergic reaction while making sure your home is sparkling!

The Garden:

If you suffer from hay fever or allergies, the garden can be the number one cause of your symptoms. As spring and summer roll around, the pollen count increases and those who suffer from hay fever begin to feel the common symptoms. Pollen spores can cling to clothing and be brought inside during the high pollen count months and live within the air, meaning hay fever sufferers feel the symptoms at home, as well as outside.


Whether you are a dog-lover or a feline-fan, pets can, unfortunately, be the cause of allergy and respiratory ailments. As the animals shed their fur, the spores created can become airborne, causing symptoms such as sneezing, coughing and headaches. Even smaller pets such as birds, hamsters and gerbils can be a cause of allergic reactions within the home. It’s estimated that a high majority of allergy sufferers own a pet.

Discover the Top 5 Toxins In The Air.

The Solution:

There are solutions to help your home keep you healthy! One way is to improve indoor air quality. This can be achieved by an up-to-date and advanced air filtration system. Cleansing the air within your home will not only improve your own health but the health of the whole family and guests. Filtering the air will help eliminate common causes of airborne toxins and ensure the home is a healthy and clean environment to relax and unwind in. There are many options when it comes to filtration devices. The most powerful will rid the home of mold and pollen spores that follow your inside, as well as helping those with pets! Purifying the air within your home will ensure the toxins are kept at bay, and those pesky common symptoms such as headaches and nausea are banished! Some air cleansers today can eliminate up to 99% of airborne toxins and allergens by filtering through your furnace, meaning all the air you breathe inside has been purified.

While you can take steps to minimize airborne toxins, it can feel impossible to get rid of them completely on your own. You don’t want to kick out Rex the dog or stop cleaning your bathroom! Air filtration is the ideal solution to help make your home your haven once more. It’s the perfect way to keep the household healthy at home.

Dentist and Air Filters Funny Cartoon

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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