Busted! Myths About Online Pharmacies

The trend of buying things online is increasing rapidly. Interestingly, today, even medicines and other healthcare products can also be bought online. This growing trend is offering convenience to those living away from their parents (who need regular medication), live alone or are simply lazy to step out of the house. Buying medicine online is convenient, easy and hassle-free.

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However, with the growth of online pharmacies, many myths have created a cloud in the minds of people regarding the quality of drugs and authenticity of the store. To bust these perceptions, here we are, putting some light on the myths and facts related to buying medicine online. Take a look!

Myth 1 – Duplicate Medicines

One of the biggest myth that keeps people away from buying medicine online is that all the pharmacies sell duplicate products. However, the fact is that every online pharmacy has to obtain a license that allows them to sell medicine online.         Furthermore, this license also authorises them to deal with drug manufacturing companies that have a valid license issued by the governing authority. Thus, you can safely buy any medicine online from any of the top online pharmacies like 1Mg.

Myth 2 – Low Price = Cheap Quality

Many people refrain from buying medicine online because they have a notion that the lower the price of the medicine the cheaper the quality. However, this is not true. Online pharmacies like 1Mg offer discount on medicines because they operate on a large scale and the price at which they buy medicines is comparatively low, thus the discount. In addition, many online pharmacies offer medicines at a discounted rate during the first few months after their launch to generate customers.

Myth 3 – They are Not Secure

When buying medicine online, it’s mandatory to provide an authentic prescription issued by a medical practitioner. However, many people think that uploading personal detail is not secure. This perception is not true. Many times, people hesitate of disclosing the disease for which they are buying a particular medicine. When buying medicine online, one can keep their personal details hidden and safe. This clearly concludes that online pharmacies are way more secure and reliable than offline stores.

Myth 4 – Insecure Transaction

Online medicine buying is like any other online shopping. Just like other shopping stores, online pharmacies also do not track or save your personal details. The safer and convenient payment options allow fast and safe transactions while offering convenience. For added safety, many online pharmacies take the route of OTP when making online transactions. On the other hand, one can always opt for COD (cash on delivery), if they are still not convinced with the security offered in online transactions.

Myth 5 – It’s Complicated

It’s a complete myth that buying medicine online is a complicated process. It’s the same as buying clothes or cosmetics online. The buying process is simple, convenient and hassle-free. All one needs to do is to look for the prescribed medicines, upload the prescription and proceed to checkout. Once the prescription is scrutinised a panel of healthcare specialist working for the chosen online pharmacy, the medicine will be dispatched. Yes, it’s that simple.

Final Words!

So, the next time you are home sick alone or have to buy medicines for your parents, keep these points in mind and move forward for a hassle-free experience. Online pharmacies make it easy for anyone to buy medicines online and get them delivered at their doorstep. It is undeniably the next big thing in the healthcare sector that is growing rapidly. So, wherever and whatever your healthcare need is, trust online pharmacies for a hassle-free experience.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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