Experience the Amazing Results of Dianabol

Dianabol is one of the strong steroids which has gained huge popularity in today’s world. The chemical name of Dianabol is Methandrostenolone and its molecular formula is C20H28O2. It was developed for the Olympic team of the US by Dr. Zeigler that would act as an added advantage in the competition. There it worked so well that the drug became highly popular and was available almost everywhere.

Sportsmen started using it to increase their muscle definition, lean muscle mass, nitrogen retention, protein synthesis and overall performance. It is also highly useful for reducing fat without losing muscle strength. Dianabol stays in the bloodstream for about five to six weeks even after discontinuation and remains active for six to eight hours.

Advantage of using Dianabol

One of the biggest advantages of Dianabol is, it increases muscle mass and its strength in a very short time and encourages your body to make the changes permanent with the help of a number of metabolic actions. If you want to maximize its benefits, you should combine it with a healthy diet and proper exercise. This steroid also improves your body’s mental well-being and sleep pattern. It is also known to protect you against any kind of catabolic stress, improves your performance during training and helps to recover fast after the training. In case of male athletes, the recommended dosage in case of oral tablets is 25 to 50 mg in a day and for the injectable form, it is 50 to 150mg weekly. You should always use Dianabol under proper medical supervision to avoid any kind of antes e depois efeitos colaterais.

Beware of the negative side

Dianabol which is often known as DBol, is regarded as the king of bodybuilding steroids. This is one of the biggest reasons why novice users are highly interested to know about the expected results from the existing users. But gaining knowledge only about this will not help. When you are paying such a huge amount of money for the product, you should also know about its negative effects. Being an illegal steroid its usage could not only land you up behind bars but it also has certain nasty side effects that you might have to deal with.


The first question that strikes your mind when you start taking the drug is, when can you start expecting the results? So, this is for your knowledge that the result varies with each person. Every user responds in a different way to this particular steroid. The factors responsible for this variation in the results are your age, diet, genetics and definitely the intensity of your training. Considering everything, the average weight gain has been reported as

  • After the 1st week -4 to7 lbs
  • After the 2nd week –8 to12 lbs
  • After the 4th week –15 to20 lbs
  • After the 8th week –28 to 35 lbs

But it should be kept in mind that this is just a standard report, individual results will always vary. But in expectation of greater results, one should not take the steroid in high doses considering the antes e depois efeitos colaterais.

Steroids Snoopy

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Julius Rogers
Julius Rogers

Julius Rogers is a health freak and loves to pen health articles that teach, educate, and entertain. He writes health information at various health outlets. Be sure to check out his other ventures!

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