Important Facts about Elective Cosmetic Procedures

Elective cosmetic procedures cover a wide range of treatments, from Botox and laser hair removal to breast augmentation and rhinoplasty. An elective procedure is one that is not medically essential. In other words, it is your choice to have the procedure, so if it all goes horribly wrong, you only have yourself to blame.

Despite the risks, elective cosmetic procedures are becoming increasingly popular. Millions of men and women have treatments and surgery to boost their self-esteem, solve an issue that is not medically urgent, but nonetheless affects their health, or just because they can.

Such procedures are now commonplace. We don’t need to visit a Harley Street clinic for Botox and breast augmentation surgery has been the number one procedure in the US for many years. However, just because this type of elective surgery is extremely common, it doesn’t mean you should rush in with your eyes wide shut. Things can and do go wrong, so to help you make an informed decision, here are a few things you need to know.

Will the Procedure Help?

A cosmetic procedure isn’t going to transform your life. Some treatments can definitely give your self-esteem a boost, but it is important to be realistic. New breasts won’t miraculously change your life for the better, but vein treatments may make you feel more confident when you head outdoors. If you have deep-rooted issues, speak to a counselor. Otherwise, research the procedure first and take your time about making a decision. There might be other options worth considering.

Choosing the Right Medical Practitioner

Not all practitioners are suitably qualified. Anyone can open a beauty clinic and offer treatments, including laser skin therapies and aesthetic procedures. The danger here is that you end up a victim of a sub-standard treatment and suffer a lifetime of consequences.

Always ask for personal recommendations when booking an elective cosmetic procedure. If a friend, colleague or relative has had a treatment done and is happy with the results, it is a good place to start.

Visit the clinic and chat to the consultant. Take a good look around. Do they have the latest equipment? Cosmetic laser repair will prolong the life of expensive aesthetic laser equipment, but if the equipment looks shabby or you are not happy with the vibe of the place, walk away and find a different practitioner.

Taking Time-Off Work

Some procedures are suitable for a lunch hour appointment. For example, you can have laser tattoo removal or Botox and be back at your desk in a couple of hours, but if you need a general anesthetic, you will need time off work.

Many employers insist that you use up your annual leave for elective cosmetic procedures but speak to HR first, as they might be flexible if the procedure is for health purposes.

Recovery Time

Find out from your clinician if there are any special recovery procedures you need to follow. Aftercare is very important, so follow instructions closely.

Most people are happy with the results of their procedure, but if you are not happy with the results or you think the clinician or surgeon was negligent, take legal advice.

Cosmetic Procedures Cartoon

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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