A Brief Discussion about Clubfoot – Causes and Treatment

Clubfoot is a medical term (also pronounced as Congenital Talipes Equinovarus) used to describe a broad spectrum of atypical positions of the foot in Humans. It is a deformity condition in which the affected foot appears to be twisted inwards at the ankle. Clubfoot occurs more commonly in males than females (twice as much).

Whether it is for Damon Wayans, the famous stand-up comedian or Charles Woodson, a professional footballer, most clubfoot types are diagnosed at the time of birth. It may happen in one foot or both feet; according to many global studies, clubfoot is bilateral (both feet) in almost half of the infants born every year.

Although Clubfoot is not such as a serious problem in a baby, the treatment should begin as soon as the parents realize clubfoot in their infant. If untreated, it can lead to significant complications as the child grow and worse, may become aggravated over time. This physical oddity will leverage affected persons to walk on its ankles or the side of toes. And, this can be very challenging and enormously painful, in particular for corpulent individuals.

Congenital Talipes Equinovarus

Causes of Clubfoot

  • Positioning of baby in the mother’s womb

Though, the exact causes of this medical condition are still not unearthed by researchers around the globe; in some cases, clubfoot is just the consequence of the erroneous positioning of the baby, while budding in the mother’s womb.

  • Clubfoot is Genetic

More often than not, clubfoot develops because of the permutation of genetic and environmental factors that is yet to be solved. If one person in your family has clubfoot, then the probability of this physical abnormality occurring in your infant is high in comparison to 2 to 5%, if both of the parents are normal.

Treatment of clubfoot

  • Non-surgical treatment

Talipes Equinovarus Treatment

Firstly, a non-surgical procedure such as splinting or casting are usually tired. Here, the affected foot is manipulated in the most customary position, and held until the next sitting. In countries like United States of America and Canada, this is done with a case, while in some countries, strapping with adhesive tape is common (splinting). This non-surgical manipulation and immobilization procedure is repeated after every one or two weeks for four to six months.

  • Surgical treatment

If months of continual splinting or casting doesn't move the foot into a more usual position, your child's orthopedic specialist may suggest the surgery option. The most standard surgical practices are to lengthen, or release the tight soft-tissue structures, including tendons and ligaments such as the Achilles tendon, and then reposition the bones of the ankle to achieve the desired position. Small wires are often used to clutch the bones in place, and are removed after three to four weeks. Splinting or casting after surgery is effective to keep the foot in the corrected position during healing.

Clubfoot present at birth can lead to further health complications such as spina bifida, if ignored. Thus, as soon clubfoot is noticed, it is indispensable to consult an orthopedic specialist.

Author Bio: The author has heaps of experience in writing content-rich quality articles and documents on the medical niche; related to orthopedic conditions for many online magazines and on Paley Institute.  His work shows value and knowledge that he has acquired throughout his career.

Clubfoot Joke

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Julius Rogers
Julius Rogers

Julius Rogers is a health freak and loves to pen health articles that teach, educate, and entertain. He writes health information at various health outlets. Be sure to check out his other ventures!

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