3 Reasons Why You’re Losing Hair

Hair grows everywhere on the human skin, except on the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands. However, most hair is so tiny they're virtually invisible. Hair is made up of a protein called keratin, which is produced in hair follicles found in the outer layer of skin. As new hair cells are produced by the follicles, old cells are being pushed out through pores in the surface of the skin. The hair you can see is actually a thread of dead keratin cells, and it grows at a rate of 6 inches a year.

HairWiki Hairy Pic

About 90% of hair on a person's scalp is growing continuously every day. Each hair follicle has its own life cycle that can be influenced by disease, age, and various other factors. The life cycle of hair is generally divided into three phases:

  • Anagen (or) growing cycle– 2 to 6 years of active hair growth.
  • Catagen (or) transition cycle– 2 to 3 weeks of transitional hair growth.
  • Telogen (or) resting cycle– 2 to 3 months of resting phase.

When the resting phase ends, the old hair is shed and is replaced by new hair strands, and the growing cycle starts again.

Fight heavy hair loss

Everyone loses some hair every day. Losing up to 100 strands of hair a day is quite normal. But you could lose a lot more hair if hair loss runs in your family. Heavy hair loss can leave you with bald spots, or hair thinning on the pate of your head. As you close in on your 50s, you tend to face hair loss troubles. Hair loss changes the way you look, and it can be tough living with it. You can go for ultras labs hair surge to attend to your hair fall problems.

Although hair loss is fairly common, there are few factors that intensify hair fall. Reasons may range from vitamin deficiency to an underlying health condition. Some factors leading to hair loss are:

1. Lack of protein

A lack of protein-rich diet may lead to hair loss. Some people go on a crash diet that excludes proteins. Abnormal eating habits eventually lead to protein malnutrition, and that’s definitely not good for you. Due to lack of protein in the body, your system will save up the existing protein by shifting hair into the resting phase. Increased hair shedding will occur 2 or 3 months later. This condition can be easily avoided by consuming protein-rich food, like meat, eggs, fish, chicken, cheese, grains, and nuts.

2. Emotional stress leads to hair loss

There are many signs of anxiety that seem to become self-fulfilling. A common example is hair loss. People living in endless fear of losing hair may actually contribute to their own hair loss. Anxiety and stress work like catalysts accelerating hair loss. Anxiety and hair loss have an intricate relationship, and it's probably not what you think. In some cases, anxiety can cause excessive hair fall, or in other cases, make hair fall unmanageable.

3. Deficiency of vitamin B

If you’re facing premature graying or losing hair in large amounts, chances are high that you may have vitamin B deficiency. Vitamin B12, also called the energy vitamin, helps your body create energy from what you consume. The hair cells must constantly divide to grow new hair, and vitamin B12 is required for the division and longevity of cells. When you are vitamin B12 deficient, your hair cells turn weak and brittle, affecting your hair growth. Similarly, vitamin B6 stimulates blood circulation and cell-building, and their paucity also leads to hair loss.

Sometimes, it’s good to go with trusted hair loss products, like ultrax labs hair surge to fight hair fall. They’re the leaders in the hair growth market, and their hair growth solution is found to be an effective solution to battle hair fall.

Hairy cartoon

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Julius Rogers
Julius Rogers

Julius Rogers is a health freak and loves to pen health articles that teach, educate, and entertain. He writes health information at various health outlets. Be sure to check out his other ventures!

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