Extracting Wisdom Teeth – To Be or Not To Be?

Finding it hard to bite on food? Does your toothache stop you from eating your favorite delicacies? It’s high time you met with your oral surgeon. If your wisdom tooth causes immense pain, and needs to be extracted, it’s better to have it removed early on when you’re young rather than waiting until the final stage, when the periodontal disease sets in. Follow this guide on wisdom tooth extraction procedure in Singapore to learn more about wisdom tooth extraction.

Wisdom teeth are located on either side of the upper and lower jaws, and they are the third and last molars. They are also the final set of teeth to shoot, and usually appear in your late teens or early twenties.

Tooth Crown

Signs and symptoms to be taken seriously

Wisdom teeth may partially emerge or grow crooked; this might cause painful crowding of the molars, and gives rise to infection. A tooth has less developed roots and fewer hitches when removed before you’re in your twenties. The American Dental Association recommends people of ages ranging between 16 and 19 to have their wisdom teeth evaluated to see if they need to be detached. A periodontal flaw may give rise to swelling of gums, and immense pain in the molars while biting on food particles.

If your dentist recommends that you have your wisdom teeth removed, don't panic! You'll be just as wise after its removal as you were earlier. In fact, when these third molars start affecting your oral health, having them extracted is the smartest decision you can make. You'll have to play it safe by following all the aftercare instructions for a fast recovery and preventing further complications.

Yes, aftercare is certainly significant

According to the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), millions of Americans get their wisdom teeth removed every year. When a recently formed blood clot within the socket is dislodged or dissolves exposing bone and nerve endings, it leads to the development of a dry socket. In addition to severe pain, a dry socket also gives rise to bad breath and an unpleasant flavor in your mouth, noticeable bone linings within the socket, a low-grade fever, and inflamed lymph nodes in your throat. If you need a more detailed solution, then visit guide on wisdom tooth extraction procedure in Singapore.

Here are a few post-extraction healing instructions for you to avoid latent troubles after having your wisdom teeth removed:

Swelling of gums

After your molars are extracted, make sure you apply ice packs on the outside of your mouth and gums intermittently for 2-3 days to diminish the swelling, bruising, or any other sort of discomfort. Your dentist may advice you to use warm, moist compresses rather than ice packs if your tooth was infected prior to the procedure.

Oral care for bleeding gums after tooth extraction

You can expect some bleeding after the removal of the wisdom teeth. If so, keep a gauze pad over the extraction site for 30 minutes after operation. In case the bleeding is heavy, bite down on a gauze pad, or place your fingers over the pad steadily until the bleeding subsides.

Limit eating, drinking and talking for a few hours after the extraction, and get some rest. Avoid rigorous exercise for a few days as well. Smoking or spitting excessively will also lead to bleeding or pain in the sockets. Twelve hours after the surgery, you can rinse your mouth gently with a diluted mouthwash or salt water.

Eat prescribed meals as advised by your dentist. Always begin with clear liquids and soft foods. Consume a lot of water and stay hydrated. Make sure you take the prescribed antibiotics and pain medications. In case you’re taking strong narcotic pain medications, and avoid driving.

Call your dentist when needed

The pain and swelling in your gums will subside in a day or two, but be ready to call your dentist if you experience any of the following:

  • Excessive swelling and pain
  • Excessive bleeding of the gums
  • Throbbing pain that doesn’t subside
  • Persistence of fever

Make sure you follow through with your dental instructions to keep your “wisdom” in check.

Wisdom Tooth Cartoon

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Julius Rogers
Julius Rogers

Julius Rogers is a health freak and loves to pen health articles that teach, educate, and entertain. He writes health information at various health outlets. Be sure to check out his other ventures!

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