Gestational Surrogacy: Do You Know The Facts?

Gestational surrogacy is a complex issue, but many families find that it offers an unexpected opportunity. If you want to have children but haven’t been able to conceive, then you should explore whether gestational surrogacy is the right answer for you.

Is the Gestational Surrogate Related to the Child?

Gestational Surrogacy

Image via Flickr by Frank de Kleine

Myth: Gestational surrogates are biologically related to the babies to whom they give birth.

Fact: A gestational surrogate is responsible only for carrying and giving birth to the child. The surrogate provides a safe, healthy womb but is not biologically related to the child to whom she gives birth. In gestational surrogacy, the egg comes either from the intended mother or from an egg donor. If you choose to use a surrogate, you are not adopting someone else’s biological child.

Is Surrogacy a Viable Way to Earn an Income?

Myth: Gestational surrogates are typically in great financial need, using surrogacy as a way to support themselves or their families.

Fact: Gestational surrogates are more commonly from financially stable situations. A woman must undergo an extensive psychological evaluation before becoming a surrogate. This is not a good way to earn a long-term income and is not a way of providing for a needy family. Prospective surrogates who are in dire financial situations are typically rejected from surrogacy programs.

Can Anyone Become a Surrogate Mother?

Myth: It’s easy for any healthy woman to become a surrogate.

Fact: Gestational surrogacy can prove very difficult, putting the woman through physical as well as emotional strain. Surrogates are selected very carefully and are chosen for their ability to undergo the process well. To become a surrogate, a woman must have had a previous healthy pregnancy, demonstrate good emotional health, and have a stable home life.

Can the Surrogate Mother Try to Keep the Baby?

Myth: The surrogate may choose to keep the baby after giving birth.

Fact: In cases of gestational surrogacy, the woman who carries the child is not the baby’s biological mother. It’s important for all parties to have legal representation in cases of gestational surrogacy to properly protect their rights. If you’re using a donor egg and sperm and have no biological ties to the child, you can still protect your rights as the legal parents. Get strong legal counsel to make sure you’ve covered all your bases with this issue.

Is Surrogacy a Financially Viable Choice for Families Who Aren’t Wealthy?

Myth: Gestational surrogacy is only for the extremely wealthy.

Fact: Although surrogacy isn’t inexpensive, it may provide a more affordable option than other fertility treatments or adoption options. If fertility is an issue, speaking with an experienced fertility doctor will help you compare your options. For couples who can’t conceive, surrogacy can provide one of the best ways for the family to have a child who is biologically related to one of the parents. You will also find that some clinics guarantee success, leaving you at no obligation to pay if the surrogate does not become pregnant.

There’s a lot to consider in matters of gestational surrogacy, so you should always work with a reputable program and well-known doctors as you proceed with this method of having a child.

Surrogacy Cartoon

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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