Know something about the Health Issues from Xarelto Lawsuit

In the legal and medication world, there is much going on today. All this is due to a drug that has caused more harm than it claims it can cure. There is a large volume of lawsuits filed by patients who used Xarelto. It is a medication used for blood thinning which was approved by the Food and Drug Association (FDA) in the year 2011. However, the drug turned out to be a disaster with exhilarating side effects to most people who consumed the drug. Regardless the fact that most drugs have side effects, Xarelto is exceptional after information emerged that it was approved carelessly without knowing its harm. The drug was made by Bayer and widely marketed and distributed by Janssen Pharmaceuticals in Japan a section of Johnson and Johnson.

What is Xarelto?

Xarelto is a new anticoagulant that claims to help in preventing extremely dangerous blood clots with higher risks of restricting flow to essential body organs. Most people who suffer from the condition by the name blood thinning need a customized dosage prescription from a qualified physician. However, Xarelto works as a single even done and is said to treat several similar conditions. In most cases, it is prescribed to patients who have hip or knee replacement surgery to minimize the risk of blood clot.

Xarelto Side Effects

When this drug was approved, none of its severe side effects was known. It causes severe and uncontrolled bleeding. In instances where bleeding occurs adjacent to a major body organ, its flow is ceased or interrupted. When that organ is either the lungs, kidneys or the brain can lead to a severe health complication.

Xarelto Side Effects

Xarelto, in that case, is a good blood thinner and stops blood from clotting. As a result, this can lead to the formation of blood pools in the body until it completely gets flushed from the body system. All available coagulants have higher risks of causing internal bleeding. However, this isn’t a big deal since they are designed to assist in blood thinning of which they perfectly do. In most cases, most of these coagulants come with antidotes something that lacked from Xarelto, and you can`t flush off the body system. It is due to this that once bleeding starts from a patient who is taking the medicine, they are hospitalized and in the most cases, the majority has died. The drug can cause a brain hemorrhage, minimal platelet level, severe liver functionality, and abdominal bleeding.

It is due to these reasons that most Xarelto patients have gone ahead and filed lawsuits arguing that precise information wasn’t provided regarding the drug`s side effects and also due to the lack of an effective antidote. If you are a Xarelto Patient or one of your relatives has been affected by these deadly side effects of this drug, get in touch with the Xarelto Lawsuit for the most qualified and highly experienced Xarelto claim lawyers. We will evaluate your legal options for free, and you never know, you might be eligible for a significant amount of settlement.

Why us?

Xarelto lawyers have a vast experience in dealing with Xarelto victims. Over the years, we have represented Xarelto victims and won their cases offering them a fair compensation for their suffering. Our attorneys care about knowing our client's background since we understand the pain and agony these clients have experienced. We fully understand how painful experience is of losing a loved one. Also, we know that winning a lawsuit for you will go a great way of compensating those financial losses incurred due to medical expenses.

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Julius Rogers
Julius Rogers

Julius Rogers is a health freak and loves to pen health articles that teach, educate, and entertain. He writes health information at various health outlets. Be sure to check out his other ventures!

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