Get Relief from Nagging Injuries with Massage Therapy

An upcoming body of research shows that pain can be effectively relieved and managed by massage therapy. The data and the anecdotal evidence from registered and practicing therapists demonstrates that physicians and specialists should be encouraging patients to consider using massage in their pain management sessions. For example, for patients suffering from chronic low back pain, massage can be very effective in reliving such pain. This should be no surprise, since massage has been used in almost every culture in the history of man for the treatment of pain. Its reputation has only faded due to recent – and spectacular – advances in conventional medicine, but unlike pain-relieving medications, massage has virtually no drawbacks and is almost universally effective.

The Joint Commission on Acceleration of Healthcare Organization (JCAHO) defines massage as a non-pharmacological therapy that can be used in managing pain; this definition is starting to gain currency even in the strongholds of conventional medicine. Hospitals are starting to include massage therapists in their patient teams to manage pain. More often, this therapy is as a result of the patient's demands, as a result of frustration with or ineffectiveness of conventional treatments.

Relief with Massage Therapy

How to Get an Effective Massage Therapy?

For massage to be effective, the therapist should work towards the root cause of the pain from the outer mechanism – if you want to learn more about how this practice works, you should visit or speak with a registered practitioner in your area. The therapist not only focuses on the areas experiencing pain, but also uses a holistic understanding to focus on the entire body.

Massage therapy also helps patients understand their bodies and how they relate to pain, giving them a good idea of the muscle groupings and how they interact so they avoid re-aggravating their injuries in the future. A good clinic with experience dealing with pain and injury treatment, such as the Medical Massage Boutique in Toronto, should be able to give you this kind of understanding. Furthermore, the aches and stiffness that are experienced during pregnancy can be relieved through massage, although many experts say it is advisable to wait until the second trimester or to seek advice from a midwife or your doctor before undergoing the prenatal massage. The results from past research are enough to encourage massage therapists and pain management teams to create professional relationships with patients in clinics, hospitals, and homes, as well as in private practices.

Final Words on Effective Massage Therapy

When a child bangs his/her knee riding a tricycle, the parent touches the knee until the pain is eased. This is a simple example of how touch can relieve pain. But obviously the benefits of real clinical massage, such as you would find at a place like Medical Massage Boutique, are much more pronounced! If you have an injury or condition that you suspect could be eased through massage, don’t wait – find a clinic as soon as possible and have that taken care of as soon as you can.

Massage Therapy Cartoon

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Julius Rogers
Julius Rogers

Julius Rogers is a health freak and loves to pen health articles that teach, educate, and entertain. He writes health information at various health outlets. Be sure to check out his other ventures!

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