In the Heat of the Moment

Many couples are usually well prepared when it comes to sex, but what happens in the heat of the moment? Maybe you have just met someone and want to have sex but haven’t come prepared. Unprotected sex can and does happen even with the best intentions. After you’ve had unprotected sex, there are still ways you can make sure a pregnancy will not occur or you won’t develop an STI (sexually transmitted infection).

A LloydsPharmacy online doctor is waiting to help you, both remotely and discreetly get over the worry of having unprotected sex.

Read online guides

There are lots of online guides to read regarding unprotected sex. It’s no good pretending it didn’t happen. The sooner you do something about it, the easier it can be treated. Some of the things that may have happened could be:-

  • The condom you used slipped off
  • You forgot to use contraceptives

STIs can be very painful, dangerous and easily passed on to any sexual partner. For guys, if you experience bleeding, pain during ejaculation or a rash around the genital area, seek medical advice immediately. For girls, if you have pain when you go to the toilet, any unusual discharge, itching or sores, get help as soon as possible. Online guides provide a lot of useful advice so it’s definitely worth spending time doing a little research. It’s not only common sense but essential to always practice safe sex, so don’t take the risk!

Emergency contraception

Always consider emergency contraception especially if you think there could be a chance of pregnancy after you’ve had sex. Check out:-

  1. The emergency contraceptive pill – or the morning after pill as it’s better known
  2. The emergency coil or IUD

The latter must be fitted by a trained doctor and can prevent pregnancy for up to five days after having unprotected sex. The morning after pill is effective for 3-5 days depending on the brand you use. This is reassuring, however don’t take it for granted that you won’t be pregnant, you just don’t know either way. Buy the emergency contraceptive pill from reputable online clinics just in case.

Always use contraception

It can’t be stressed enough to always use contraceptives. Condoms are readily available to buy either over the counter in chemist stores or via online pharmacies. Do be aware that condoms can:-

  1. Be pierced by fingernails
  2. Be weakened with oil based lubricants
  3. Slip off during sex
  4. Break easily if they’re out of date

If you’re in a long term relationship, discuss with your partner the best form of contraception that suits you both. For new relationships remember that you both have to take responsibility to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. If you’re going to have sex, always be prepared. It’s worth it in the long run especially if you’re young and have a career to think about.

Emergency Contraception Cartoon

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Julius Rogers
Julius Rogers

Julius Rogers is a health freak and loves to pen health articles that teach, educate, and entertain. He writes health information at various health outlets. Be sure to check out his other ventures!

Articles: 268

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