Stop Your Stress Eating By Trying These Powerful Methods!

We all have been there. It starts with an emotional trigger. It might be an angry mail from your boss or things going completely opposite somewhere than what you imagined. You decide to have just one biscuit from the packet and before you know, you are wrapped up in your cozy blanket, watching movies and gorging on a warm slice of Chocolate cake dripped with extra Chocolate sauce. Yum! If you always find yourself elbow deep in a bucket of ice cream and reaching for scrumptious food whenever you are feeling low, you need to prevent it as much as you can.

Stress Eating

While doing this surely doesn’t happens overnight, you need to start inculcating some fresh new habits in your lifestyle for a healthier version of you. Here’s how to do it:

Get to the roots

Getting to the root of the problem is the first thing you should do when you find yourself reaching for junk food under stress. Your emotional eating can provide you with relief only until that time period. This is why you also over-eat to extend the duration of it and to feel good. Emotional eating is a clear symptom of you being under stress. Find out about the underlying causes of your stress and figure out what to do about it. Once you have discovered about the cause, find out the solution for it and how to overcome the problem.

Don’t let unhealthy food be near you

When I used to go for grocery shopping previously, my cart used to be filled with food items like strawberry cream biscuits, jim jam treats, brownies, aerated drinks, processed junk food and similar stuff. When I used to feel stressed, all I had to do was walk over till my kitchen and gobble this stuff down my throat. Easy peasy, right? Don’t let that be! Stop stocking your pantry with unhealthy food items and instead surround yourself with healthy food options. When you won’t have an easy access to that kind of food, you won’t fall into that trap. HealthKart has a variety of food options to tame your hunger in a hale and hearty manner. Do not forget to avail Healthkart coupons present on CashKaro to get discounts on your purchases.

Maintain a food journal

I got the shock of my life when I started maintaining a food journal about my food habits and read it two weeks later. In those two weeks, I had consumed an enormous amount of sugar based foods and junk food. I was myself surprised by it. I realized how much mindless eating I had been indulging in and causing harm to my body. The record will help you discover your eating pattern and help you control it.

Give yourself a treat

As I mentioned before, this habit of yours won’t vanish overnight. It will take a lot of measures from your side. You will need to have a strong will power, identify internal causes behind what triggers your emotional eating and exercise daily too. Exercise does more than just helping you lose weight. When you exercise, happy hormones are released into your brain and you feel good. So never make excuses for avoiding your workout session. If you have an extremely busy schedule, purchase a fitness equipment using paytm coupons. This way you won’t have any excuse for not going to the gym as you will be able to exercise within the comfort of your home. When you find your progress level good, do not miss out on rewarding yourself. It’s important to keep yourself motivated and be kind to yourself.

Find time for what you love

In this fast paced life, it is extremely easy to let go off things which give you true satisfaction and fulfillment. When you take out time from your busy schedule for those things, you will feed your inner self which will help you a lot. They will aid you in curbing your cravings as you can turn towards those things every time you feel bad about something. If it’s writing, dedicate a slot for it either on a daily or weekly basis. Let those hobbies of yours become an outlet for you where you can vent your feelings and change your mind.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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